26/ lying

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Hot scene comin up lol


"Shit." She cursed and paced back and forth around the tunnel. She looked at the ceiling and see a little door.

"Keyton." She called him out of his thoughts, he was thinking anxiously of a solution.

"What is it?" He said following her gaze to the little ceiling trap door.

"We can maybe go upstairs." She suggested still looking at it.

"But can you?" She asked, glancing at his buff body, she doesn't know if he can fit.

"Are you seriously asking me that?" He deadpanned.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't." She rolled her eyes.

"I don't know the prison area but maybe this door should lead you somewhere else." He said, standing in front of it.

"You can fit in there." He said, holding his arms out. She nodded and jumped on his chest, he lifted her up to the ceiling and she opened the door. She gets in after severals groans and Keyton pushing her.

"What about you?" She asked him, her head out of the door frame.

"I will lie, don't worry I'm a professional liar." He winked and closed the door of the ceiling.

"Keyton Winston!" The voice of Cole echoed in the cells, the prisoners kneeled down when he walked, he was holding a high rank meaning he was basically the second leader as the Alpha's guardian.

"Hiya Cole!" He waved happily.

"What are you doing here? I can smell Max's mate scent here." He sniffed, narrowed his eyes at him.

"Oh well, we have together because we played truth or dare, you know." He said wiggling his eyebrows playfully.

"You shouldn't do that to her, Alpha Max will literally kill you." He glared at him, he was loyal to his best friend obviously, he won't betray him or whatsoever.

"No worries, mate." He said in a British accent.

"Shut up." Cole replied back with the same accent.

"This tinny space is squeezing my body." She groaned, she tried to take deep breaths, calming her anxiety.

"Breath, Jayla." She said deeply and continued to find a way to get out of here, she smiled as she found a deep end with a door. She walked while crawling quickly and pushed the door open.

After many tries, she finally opened the door and jumped on the ground, she closed back the door and breathed.

She turned her head and saw the beautiful night sky, lighting the woods. She closed her eyes and inhale the fresh air.

"What are you doing here?" She jumped out of fear and get away from this person.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"I'm sorry Luna, I'm Dallas." He bowed much to her discomfort.

"Hey, Dallas." She said nervously.

"Alpha Max was searching for you." He said, sternly.

"He was wondering where you were." He continued and she mumbled.

"I was here."

"Alpha wants you back." He said and then leave her.

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