There will be war

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"'Sigh' Roll, what do you think we should do now?" Dr. Light asked with a low tone. Roll pursed her lip and lowered her head in confusion and frustration. How could they destroy the monstrous Yellow Devil, and save Rock? Dr. Light sighed and said in a grave tone "It seems as though a war will break out if the Yellow Devil succeeds in this genocide..." Roll looked up at the doctor and tried to console him, "I-I'm sure we'll think of something! Somehow...." Roll finished with a solemn tone in her voice. Dr. Light gave her a reassuring glance while trying hard not to show the lost hope in his eyes and heart. "Roll, listen to me very carefully..." Dr. Light started, gaining Roll's attention "We are leaving this place." Roll's eyes widened when she heard that (What? But if we leave Rock will...) tears began forming in her eyes, the thought of abandoning her brother and leaving him at the mercy of the Yellow Devil AND possibly an entire army broke her already breaking heart. Dr. Light noticed this and wiped the falling tears from Roll's cheeks "Shhh... Look Roll I don't want to take the chance of Rock getting hurt either, but at this point we don't have a choice. You've seen what that monster is capable of! If I hadn't of found you when I did, you would be gone to..."  Dr. Light's voice cracked at the last words as he shook his head attempting to hide his grief but failing with flying colors.
"We at least have to try!" Roll cried before she put her hands on her face and began sobbing uncontrollably, Dr. Light bit his lip and tried hard not to cry along with her, despite wanting to. Dr. Light gave Roll a hug and said in the calmest voice he could muster "It'll all work out in the end, I promise." Roll shook her head and said between her tears "No, it won't, not unless we do something." Dr. Light sighed quietly and shook his head, "Roll, we have done everything in our power to try and fix things, but now we need to get somewhere safe." Roll bit her bottom lip and let out a furious yell before storming off, leaving Dr. Light alone with his thoughts. Dr. Light shook his head and picked up a photo of him along with both Rock and Roll smiling happily, Dr. Light then picked up a phone and dialed a number and listened to the ringing before someone answered with a tired hello. "Yes hello, my name is Thomas Light, and I need to speak with your boss please..."

Roll locked herself in her and her brother's room in frustration and sat down on her brother's bed and sobbed in her hands before she lied down and began remembering everything that happened on that fateful day. Rock was fitted was fitted with weapons in order to bring Dr. Wily down and save the city, but now Dr. Wily was dead and Rock was being controlled by a monster bent on destroying the human race. She couldn't help but wonder what if things had gone differently... What if she had gone with Rock? What if they had an ally helping them out? Would it have ended differently? Would Rock still be with them? Would this have ended in praise and cheers instead of ending in pain and agony? Roll's eyes became blurry with tears again, so she wiped them from her eyes and laid back down on the bed before letting her eyes get heavy before she let herself get taken over with sleep...

"...Yes thank you, we will be ready to leave shortly. See you this evening." Dr. Light hung up the phone and quietly walked towards Rock and Roll's bedroom and quietly knocked on the door... No answer, Dr. Light knocked louder and said "Roll, I'm coming in now." Before he entered the room. Dr. Light stopped when he noticed Roll asleep on the bed and debated on waking her up but remembered that they had little time before they had to leave and walked over to Roll and began to gently shake her awake. Roll slowly opened her eyes and gave Dr. Light a tired look and whispered "Are we...going to fight the Yellow Devil?" Dr. Light shook his head and quietly replied "No, now pack some things that you want to take with you, we will be leaving soon." Tears rolled down Roll's cheeks as she nodded her head, knowing full well that no matter how much she resisted and argued with him she was never going to get anywhere. Dr. Light patted her on the back and gave her a reassuring smile and calmly said "In about two hours we will be leaving the city and go to a base so that I can help in the defeat of the Yellow Devil."

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