Chapter Three

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"Blam" the sound of my locker filled the air after I slammed it shut .

Like ,who gives A Calculus first thing on a Monday morning . As much as I'm aware of this fact from I started senior year,I'm still angered by it every time I pick up my huge text book from my locker.

'Stupid a$$ school ...'I mumbled to myself .

"Damn !! A sexy chick with a bad temper," a male voice whispered behind me.

Suddenly I felt a strong arm rest on my shoulders. "Where do you think your going with that ?"a masculine voice muttered in my ears while his other hand pressed down on my book slightly causing me to tighten my grip on it so it doesn't fall.
I turned around my head in his direction "Danny!" I shouted and flashed him a toothy grin then embraced him in a hug .

"Ouu somebody boobs grew over the one week break ...."

"Stop it !" I shouted after punching him in his stomach . Danny cringed at the impact . I smiled at the result . Serves him right for saying such nonsense. Other students gazed at us while they passed by but I wasn't paying much attention to them. Most of my friends are of the male gender. I don't do too well with female friends because they are often backstabbing ,deceptive and overly emotional . I just can't deal with that amount of feelings in such a small space . Although I express dislikes in friendship with the female species ,I do find it interesting how I manage to still be friends with Allison. We've been talking since junior year and I haven't had any beef with her since .

"Good to see you haven't lost your skills in that area,"a familiar voice spoke up.

"Allison !" I turned and smiled at her . Noticing her outstretched arms I stepped towards her for the embrace when I slammed into Danny's back .

"Seriously Danny !" I laughed at his behaviour , "Why don't you go hug the mop in the janitors store room?" I asked,my laughter increasing at the memory of him and the mop.

"Not another word about that Amy !" Danny shouted at me ,his face bowed in embarrassment while he released Allison
who then embraced me in a hug .

Allison was lighter and taller than I am . She was dressed in her white shirt similar to mine and a navy blue skirt that covered her knees . Her skirt was the same style with a split on the right . We were allowed to wear four colour skirt with our blouse , khaki ,navi blue , burgundy and black . Her hair was gathered at the top of her head and plot neatly at the end.

"Amy come on ,otherwise we'll be late for first period."Danny snickered

"When did u start going to class Danny ?" Allison questioned surprised

"Umm , well Danny and I have always been going to class. It's just not the one you and other students attend."

"Your kidding Amy , you cant skip class first thing in the morning!!"

"Ofcourse I can , why worry when I have you to take my notes"

Before Allison and I could continue our convo the bell for first period rang .Everyone started sprinting to their various classes. Danny held my unoccupied hand and pulled me down the hall away from Allison and in the opposite direction of class .

"Amy ,get back here !" Allison screamed over the sound of the bell

"See you at lunch Ally !!" I grinned while I shouted back to her .

Danny and I continued down the hallway. We then ran up the stairs to the library ,where our skull spot was located .
This is by far the best part of the school. The library is massive and there is no staff around to watch our every move . I know it seems off ,how is a library left unattended . Our library gives us the option to find information by scrolling through huge books on shelves or typing the title of the book on the smart desk and it pulls it up for you in 3D form as if u had the actual book before you.
We had a rectangular shaped library , on each side sat 12 rows if shelves with books of many shapes and sizes . In the middle of the library after passing the check in/out desk were 6 smart desks. Each table can accommodate 10 students at a time.

Most of the school's population is of the bougie class, the remaining few either pretended as if they had access otherwise or utilised the library. Sometimes we're at the library alone other times we have a company of 6/7 students .

At lunch Danny and I were accompanied by the others ,Jay ,Chris and Allison

" Where were you two this morning ?" Danny asked while looking in Jay and Kris's direction.

"We came to school an hour ago man ."Jay answered

"What ?" I asked

"Partied all night till day light "Chris smirked.

"And you couldn't have invited me ,you are both pigs !" I teased

A loud thud filled the air of the cafeteria ,seconds after the room was filled with laughter . I turned to direction of the floor and a girl was sprawled out on the ground . The contents of her food all over the floor and in her short blonde hair . I laughed at the ridiculous sight . The girl pushed herself off the floor and turned her head to my direction .

"You bitch ,this is your fault !" She screamed at me

"Next time walk with your eyes where they ought to be instead of up your ass !!" I shot back angrily.

She swung her hand towards my face . I gripped her hand firmly and pulled her down on my table . Swiftly ,I used my other arm to raise the plate of mashed potatoes on my tray and wiped it all over her face then left the plate on her head .

"Such a waste !" I grimaced .

Gasps filled the air confirming our little scence had a lot of attention .

" I suggest you go clean up that mess !"I grinned at Jessica while pointing at her face . She stormed off angrily towards the exit .

I returned my gaze to my table where my friends sat . All their faces were rid of emotion .
" Who wanna give me their lunch now ?!" I smiled toothily at them to break the silence.

Allison's POV
I watched silently as the scene between Jessica and Amy played out . I need not ask why Amy was so harsh with Jessica. She gave her hell after finding out Jake was dating Amy instead of her . Ever since the she makes nasty remarks about everything Amy does just to be in an argument with her .

'I wonder how she'd behave if she knew I liked Jake?'

With all that's happening between her and Jessica I most definitely do not want to know.
" You can have mine ." I told Amy as I pushed my tray over to her .

Hey guys ... please let me know in the comments if your enjoying the story so far .
Thanks for reading - Navlett

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