~ Importance Is Irrelevant ~

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L could barely make herself believe what she saw when she pulled off her sunglasses and took in the sights. Now she understood Bryce's earlier statement; they definitely weren't in the same woods anymore. She'd expected some kind of concrete building with metal spiked fences and armed guards, or something equally sterile and disturbing. She was glad to be wrong. There wasn't a piece of concrete in sight, nor metal for that matter. It was the most incredible thing L had ever seen.

There were small wooden cottages dotted all over the place, surrounded by hundreds of what she imagined were colourful wildflowers. The trees here looked older and bigger than the ones she'd just been looking at. As her eyes trailed up their trunks, she felt her jaw drop open.

In the canopy over her head were tree houses of varying types. There were rope bridges connecting each one like streets in a town. Pulley systems dangled down at random intervals. L surmised they were like lifts to reach the tree houses or down to the ground.

Lights of all different colours were strung up around the little community, like Christmas lights, but bigger and brighter. L thought they must have been magical or something similar to glow so well in the middle of a forest. She could see figures moving about the cottages and up in the trees. She couldn't see who or what they were from that distance, though, and they hadn't noticed hers or Bryce's presence yet.

She circled on the spot to take it all in and shook her head, "This is... amazing, I can't believe it. It's like another world."

"I thought you might react something like that, I was worried about the possibility of you fainting. But I'm starting to learn that you're much tougher than you look." Bryce said with a wide smile.

L would be glad when he stopped underestimating her.

She smirked over at him and turned back to the wonders in front of her. She didn't want to take her eyes off of it for too long, just in case it disappeared. She was sure it would look different during the day, but at night, it was simply spectacular. She preferred the night already, but here it had a few added bonuses.

She watched Bryce, who had started walking towards the little village and followed behind him in a daze. She made sure to take in everything while they walked.

Her attention was so distracted that she missed the tiny houses dangling from some of the lower hanging branches. Only noticing them when she banged her head on one.

"I guess you're a bit more fascinated than I realised. You've got to watch where you're going around here. Who knows what you might bump into." Bryce spoke over his shoulder, looking particularly amused.

L rolled her eyes. Of course, it was funny to him. She resisted the overwhelming urge to swear at him as she rubbed her head. He walked back to her and stopped the little house from swinging back and forth.

"It's a Fairy house, and it's a good job that nobody's home, otherwise, you'd have an angry Fairy on your case."

L furrowed her brow and lowered her hand, "I thought you said Fairies were good creatures?"

"They are, but I also said they're mischievous. You'd probably end up with itching powder in your socks or something equally irritating as repayment... they'd find that very funny."

He seemed to also find it funny, but L just sighed and moved around the house. She wasn't really in the mood for mischievous Fairies. They'd finally arrived at the place where she could find out more about her parents and hopefully get Robbie and his family back.

That bump to her head had snapped her out of the daze caused by this place. She still found it breathtaking, but now her thoughts were back on more serious matters. She waited for Bryce to take the lead once again and followed him through the trees. They were approaching the first of the cottages now, and the figures she couldn't make out before were coming into view.

Unknown L (Book 1)  [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now