6) WHAT....

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Third person POV

"So Josh you know I'm a single mom well you are Finn's dad."

"WHAT" Josh says in a shocked voice

"Maya is this a joke  I haven't seen you in 5 years how could the kid be mine." Josh says.  "Josh Finn is 5 years old he turned 5 on April 5th and what was 9 months before April 5th the Hawaii trip." Maya said. " Maya he is not my kid you probably slept with someone else" Josh says.

"Okay Josh first of all I did not sleep with someone else.I waited for you ever since I was 13.Why would you think I would cheat on you while we were dating for almost four years."
"Josh you were the only person I have ever been with for basically my whole life."  *Maya says angrily*

"If you're still not believing it.I can show you his baby pictures and you can see how much he looked like you when he was younger."

*Maya shows Josh pictures of Baby Finn*

"Wow Maya he looks exactly like both of us.Especially in his baby pictures he looks like me when I was a baby."Josh says. *Maya Chuckles* "Yeah everyone told me he looked exactly like you.Now people tell me he looks like a mix of both of us." *Maya says happily*
"Maya why would you-." Josh gets cut off by Riley coming in.

"Hey sorry to interrupt you but finn is starting to get tired.Is it okay if we take him to your apartment so he can take a nap. Riley says awkwardly. "Oh yeah he must have really tired after the day of the zoo." "You brought your keys right?" Maya says.
"Yeah Maya I did."Riley says.
,Okay Riley can you take my bag.It has Finns stuff in it." Maya says
"Yeah of course again sorry to interrupt."

* Riley grabs Mayas bag*

"Okay Josh sorry about that. What were you going to say." Maya says.
" I was going to say Maya why would you not tell me that I had a son for 5 years."Josh says.
"Josh I was 21 I was dumb and stupid. Don't get me wrong sometimes I can still be but I wanted you to live your life without having to worry about a kid
So I decided to take care of him by myself."

"Maya you know if you would have told me I would have been on the first flight back to New York"Josh says. " Josh that's the thing" *Maya says raising her voice.* "All I wanted was for you to be able to live your life.Get your dream job. Josh I know you.I knew you were going to drop everything and come back if I told you about Finn."

"Maya thank you for thinking about me but I wouldn't care about the stupid job. If I knew I had a family at home.You know I always wanted a kid especially a son,before I went to Italy I thought we would get married then have a kid and I would be there for you pregnancy. Now my son probably Hates me because I haven't been there for his life .He doesn't even know me."
*Josh says with sadness in his voice*

"Josh just because he doesn't know a lot about you doesn't mean that there isn't anything about you in him.Like for example we said when we have a kid we will name him Finn Ryder. So I did that. Josh you don't even know his full name.Finns full name is Finn Ryder Matthews.Ever since I knew I was pregnant I never planned on having my last name on my kid he is your son. I know that you wouldn't be here so I gave him your last name." Maya takes a deep breath.

"Josh I make sure every couple months we go visit your mom and dad.He calls your mom and dad Nana and Papa he knows they are his grandparents. He even calls Cory,Topanga,Erik and Morgan his aunt's and Uncles. He knows everything about your family. We just don't tell him that you are his dad."

"Everytime I see finn I see how his personality is like mine but i see more of your personality. He is exactly like you Josh."

*Josh smiles then realized something*

"Josh it's not their fault I told them not to tell you. Please don't get angry at them they have been amazing.This whole time ever since I told them I was pregnant and that I wouldn't tell you.
Finn loves them so much."*Maya says*

*Josh smiles*

"How long did you know you were pregnant before I went to Italy. Josh says. I think I found out 2 weeks after you left."Maya responds.

*Josh takes a deep breath*
"Maya do you think I can spend some time with you and finn soon"
*Josh says hopefully*.  "Sure but he can't know your his Dad yet. He needs to get used to having you around. Then we can tell him."

"Okay as long as I can spend time with both of you. So what day do you think I can spend some time with him."

"How about in 2 days. I am off of work and Finn will be not at school because it would be the weekend."Maya says "Okay that sounds perfect.I didn't know he goes to school."Josh says. "Yeah he does he is in K4.He is supposed to be in K5 right now but since his birthday is before school ends for summer he is in K4. Today he was supposed to be School but he was sad so I called him in and i called in from work."

"Oh okay I can't wait" Josh says


Hey y'all I updated to day I finished studying a couple hours early so i could update.

Hope you guys like this chapter.

Also Can people give me tips on how to make my cover nicer because it looks so plain right now.


You can skip this i just thought it was funny

I was scrolling through my "Instagram" and I saw this ad about a cake and it reminded me of Joshaya so much because the first layer of the cake said Someday. I thought that was so Josh and Maya.

Sorry I updated late took me a tiny bit longer to finish writing.

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