Chapter 14

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"This is far from goodbye I'll see you guys soon and write you every chance I have" I said.

I said goodbye to the Mikaelsons earlier, they said they were going to New Orleans and now I'm saying goodbye to my Mystic Falls friends.

I hugged everyone, Stiles shook everyone's hands.

Bonnie walked up to Stiles "Take care of Leonora for us okay?" Stiles shook his head yes and Bonnie and Caroline hugged him.

We waved goodbye as we drove away.

Two hours away from Beacon hills and Stefan is done with me and Stiles. Mostly because we were singing obnoxiously and because we were debating who would win in a fight me or Scott.

"Need I remind you that I trained with the freaking original vampires, who taught me different ways to fight and taught me to block out pain." He sighed in defeat while I smiled.

I heard Stiles stomach growl and I laughed "Stefan can we pull over?" I whined.

After ten minutes of begging he finally pulled over at a gas station. Stiles went to use the bathroom, Stefan refilled the Porsche, I walked into the small store and grabbed some water bottles, chocolate bars, chips, and a magazine.

I walked out of the store, Stiles was waiting by the car while Stefan was using the bathroom. I handed him a water bottle and a bag of chips.

We were waiting for Stefan so I talked to Stiles "On Tuesday you said a friend wouldn't be happy if we were together what did you mean by that?"

Stiles face dropped and his heartbeat increased "Oh nothing" he said, but his heart skipped a beat.

I'm not going to press him about it because I don't want him to feel like he should share others secrets. Stefan finally came and we went on the road again.

We dropped Stiles off at his house and we just pulled up to ours.

I grab my bag and walk inside. Stefan said he was going to hunt because tomorrow we have school.

I unpacked my bag and decided to take a shower. I let the water fall over me and wash away my worries.

When I finished it felt like I was in there forever, I turned off the shower and wrapped myself in a towel.

I opened the bathroom door to see Scott and Isaac sitting on my bed

"What the hell why are you guys here?"

They stood up not making eye contact with me because I'm still in my freaking towel "Umm sorry we were just wondering where Stiles was" said Scott.

Ughh werewolves. "Have you checked his house because that's where we left him."

They shook their heads yes.

I sigh and walk past them to my closet and grab some jeans and a new top Rebekah gave me.

I turn around and they're still there "Are you going to stay and watch me change?"

They both looked at each other and walked out.

I changed and we decided to head back to Stiles house, I left Stefan a note saying that we were out.

"We got a weird phone call from him saying he was somewhere and that he was in danger. We need to grab his clothes and follow his scent."

Me and Isaac nodded our heads at Scotts orders.

We told Stiles dad what happened and called Lydia and Allison.

Scott and Isaac went out to catch a sent but nothing was there.

Someone reported a blue jeep so we followed and it was Stiles jeep but
Stiles wasn't there.

We waited for Lydia to give us something on where he was, she said she found him so we followed her.

She took us to a basement of some abandoned place but Stiles wasn't there, my heart sank.

The sheriff starts yelling at Lydia for misleading us.

I step in front of Lydia because it seems like the sheriff might go crazy,

Scott looks at us and calms him down.

After a couple hours we get a call from Scotts dad saying he and Melissa found Stiles.

He was okay but he hurt his leg. I offered him my blood but he thought it was best if I didn't.

Its Monday, Stiles couldn't come to school and Scott was having troubles focusing.

Stiles told me him and Allison basically broke up, I also noticed that Isaac kept looking at her.

There's also a new girl she seems nice I'm pretty sure her names Kira.

The bell rings and I head off to lunch, its nice so I walk outside to eat, a couple minutes Stefan joins me.

I'm reading a book and Stefan is eating a ham sandwich when Scott sits across from us "Hey" he said, very vague.

I look at Stefan who doesn't seem phased.

I put down my book and look at him smiling "Scott, I'm not trying to be rude or anything but is there a reason you're sitting here?"

He smiles and it turns into a laugh "No I consider you guys friends so I was wondering if we can sit here from now on?"

I slowly nodded my head yes, Stefan looked at Scott "We?" he asked.

He looked down then back at me "Yeah me, Stiles, and Isaac when he's in the mood."

I give a small chuckle, Isaacs almost always doing something weird.

We were silent and I was reading.

Oh. My. God.

My main character did something so incredibly stupid, confessing her 'love' to a guy she shouldn't be with, a guy that doesn't deserve her love.

I stood up and threw my book so far it reached the brim of forest by the school, luckily no one saw except Scott and Stefan.

I sat back down and tried to control my heartbeat, uggh why are people like this.

"Umm are you okay?"

I opened my eyes that I didn't realize were shut and looked at Scott. "No I'm not okay characters in that book don't know how to determine love properly, she felt like she liked the bad guy but the good guy has been there every step of the way and saved her multiple times. The bad guy manipulated her into thinking she like him." I ranted. Stefan was used to this.

Scott slowly nodded his head he was no doubt a tiny bit scared by my rampage "And how do you determine love properly?" he asked looking serious now.

I take a deep breathe and try to explain what love is to me "Love is a special thing, sometimes its love at first sight and sometimes it takes some time, time to see if you feel safe with them, time to feel like you can share your darkest secrets with them, and time to see if they don't run at the first sign of trouble. I've never been in love but when I think about love it feels like flying above every obstacle and every piece of darkness because your hearts complete."

-Scotts POV-

Leonora stood up and threw her book pretty far, she should be in football. I asked if she was okay but she said no and started ranting about a character.

I asked her a serious question because I wanted to see her response "And how do you determine love properly?"

She took a breath and explained her version of love, "Love is a special thing, sometimes its love at first sight and sometimes it takes some time, time to see if you feel safe with them, time to feel like you can share your darkest secrets with them, and time to see if they don't run at the first sign of trouble. I've never been in love but when I think about love it feels like flying above every obstacle and every piece of darkness because your hearts complete." I smile at her. Her explanation was beautiful. If only she knew how I felt.

Most everyone wanted an Isaac story so... I'm making one! Its called The Raven if you wanted to know🤗

Leonora Salvatore- Teen Wolf/ The Vampire DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now