The Daily Occurrences of Taylor-Anne

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So what do u think so far? If there is something that happened to u that u would like me to put in here let me know!


The awkward moment when your square dancing...

And the guy pulls you way to close!

And the guy puts his hand on the back of your bra!

And the guy puts his hand on your butt!

And your dancing with a grade 11 who's way taller than you! ( bigtime_kendal_girl)

And the guy says really inappropriate things!!! No need to elaborate oon that!


The awkward moment when...

Your on the sky train with friends and the say, " you smell good!" Then the guy standing behind you sniffs you then pretends that noting happened!


That annoying moment when...

Someone starts talking in the middle of your sentence! That makes me SO FUCKING PISSED!!!!


I had sugar this Sunday it's Wednesday and I'm still saying the weirdest most fed up things!


Today, I went to get my nexus. Because of a ridiculous but awesome game me and my BFF play I almost shouted " I LOST THE GAME" in her face! That would have been very bad!


Today, because of the same awesome but stupid game my BFF yelled "I LOST THE GAME" in the shower. Her parents thought she broke her leg and now think she is crazy!


The awkward moment when...

Your French teacher starts singing LMFAO lyrics in the middle of your French test!

_______-*-_____-*-______ (bigtime_kendal_girl)

When I finished a film and video project I went to the water fountain to get some water. When I turned around this is what happened!


Me: Do you have anger management issues?

Teacher: NO!!!

Me: Are you sure about that?

Teacher: YES!!! Now Where Is Your Work!

Me: I already finished it!

Teacher: Oh ok then!

Then he walks away!


This has been a great week I think I might change update night to Saturday or Friday or maybe just whenever I feel like it! Once a week for sure!

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