Rosalie Willow

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Hi, I'm Rosalie Willow!
I'm gonna be telling you about myself.

Ok, let's start with the basics.

I'm a human. I'm 18, my birthday is November 1st 2020.

My personality? Uh....

I'm very shy, but once you get to know me, I'll be more open to socializing. I'm very awkward, no one can count how many times I've had an awkward encounter with someone.

My friends say I'm hard working because I always do the work in school and homework, basically a teacher's pet.....but come on, we're being taught by Devil's, Devil's! They could kill you at any moment! They took over the world and they want me to not do my work, I'd probably get killed.

I'm very curious, my curiosity is sometimes a bad thing.... Like that time when I was curious about what exactly they do in the teachers lounge, they're devil's so I was expecting the worst, turns out they do normal marking stuff or socializing, I did get a scolding for that...

Anyway, I can be outspoken at times, these are very rare because immediately after I'd loose my confidence. I get scared easily, like, very easily.

My favourite colour is rainbow, yes, I did just say my favourite colour is rainbow. They're all so pretty and I can't choose.

My family, I uh... I have my older brother Asher. Our parents died March 20th 2026, Asher was 10 and I was 6.

I don't remember much about my parents, all I know is that they were killed when the devil's took over.

I'm very grateful for my brother. Without him, I wouldn't be here.

He's always looked after me. He's also very protective of me, I love him so much. He's the only family I have left.

I don't get to see Asher very much, he's always working... He makes the most money out of the two of us but I contribute what I can.

As I was saying, he's always working, but when we do see eachother it's always fun, we try to forget what's happening in the outside world and just have a good time.

I have two friends, Hazel Williams and Jay Evans. I see them everyday, they make school fun for me. I've known Hazel since I was little, our parents were friends. They actually looked after us until Asher was old enough to look after us both. Hazel's parents still visit us sometimes.

I work at a clothing shop called Angelic Threads and my boss, Anne, she is so nice! One of the kindest people I know. I think she has two children but I've never met them. She speaks so fondly of them, I might meet them if they ever come visit the shop.

I normally go to work after school or on the weekends. Mostly weekends because of the curfew.

Hm, what else?
What I do on weekends?
I'm either working at Angelic Threads, spending time with Asher or doing my homework or daily reading.

Life as a human is okay, I guess.
We don't have any technology, no phones or computers. The only technology we have is a crappy TV and what we access at school, which is not much because we can't use anything.

We have no cars so I have to walk everywhere. It's not bad, I have a better life then most and I'm so thankful.

My life is simple, not exciting and I'm alright with that.

What I didn't know was how complicated it would become....

At The Devil's Mercy ||H.S AU|| 𝐒𝐋𝐎𝐖 𝐔𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now