Chapter 10:

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I know a lot of you guys wanna see me rotten and cooked so you can dance around me, eat me, then dance around my bones, put me inside my grave and then dance around it again; but I’ve got a great excuse… okay I really don’t, but hey! It’s 2015! Happy (late) New Years! :D

(Give me some time to think about a tittle or leave me some ideas below, that'd be great haha. Oh, and I'd work on the images that are supposed to be next to the story... I think some of them deleted or something)


 So, here’s the thing: I really hate the beach. It might be because of the sharks or the jelly fish, I don’t know, but I do know I hate it. Though, being with the girls… it kind of made me feel a little more confident around the ocean and all.

 We went there on their car. It kind of embarrasses me that they have to take me everywhere, but until I’m sixteen and I can get a decent job… and drive, I can’t do a lot about it. Being fourteen sucks.

 Amy and Lisa? Those two are just as funny as they are on Social Medias and interviews, though Amy talks a lot more… a lot. Okay, is not like she never stops talking, it’s just that she expresses herself a little more. And Lisa, well, she really is shy at first, but as Lauren, once she starts feeling confident she starts being her, I guess what you could call, usual self.

 It is really weird hanging out with them, not because they’re weird, but because I don’t feel like I belong with them. That’s why I started to walk away from them, when I was like twenty meters from the parking lot I sat down and just started at those six sisters.

 Was there really anything they couldn’t do? They were smart, they could sing, they could play instruments, they could dance, they could cook –which I couldn’t. Really, they were the perfect band. They even made me happy for like, more than an hour!


 I turned around to find Patrick, he wasn’t alone he was with Fiona and Gabriel.

“Hey there” I greeted.

“Weren’t you at your house?” Gabriel asked.

“Well, obviously I’m not there anymore…”

“Relax girl, no need to get all bitter, actually we were talking about you” Fiona interrupted.

“Oh yeah? And what were you saying?”

 Don’t get me wrong, these guys are my friends, but sometimes, you know, our lifestyles get in between of our friendship and we start to treat each other in a really shitty way.

“I was reminding the guys that your literature work got an A, so it would be on the school website, and we wondered, how is it that we never got to see that poetic side of Roxanne Clearwater?

“Ha. Ha. So funny. First of, who said it was a poem what I wrote?” It wasn’t “Second of, guys there’s like a million thing you don’t know about me, so there”

“Why so defensive about it?”

 So many questions. I’m starting to get mad.

“Who’s defensive about what? Look I’ve got nothing to hide if that is what you’re trying to pry out of me Fiona?” Well done Clearwater, you just sold yourself.

 Before Fiona could answer, Christina came into the picture. Oh, that’s just great!

“Hey, everything is alright?” she asked on a serious note eyeing Fiona.

 Of course, she hadn’t given the best impression before, so now, she was the ‘bad influence’.

“Everything is fine” I answered, hopefully that’d be enough to get her to go, but no, of course Fiona had to had the last word.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2015 ⏰

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