Disclaimer, Credits, Acknowledgments

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By RJ Glynn

July 2021 Wattpad version

Copyright © 2020 RJ Moselen. All rights reserved.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Cover by RJM. Source materials from https://pixabay.com. Pixabay Licenses: Free for commercial use. No attribution required. Landscape: Image by David Mark from Pixabay; Image by Roger Sexton from Pixabay.


It's taken some years to get Aberrant this far—off the hard drive and into the hands of Wattpad readers. It's been an up and down road, but one I am fortunate enough to have not walked alone.

T, my 'big little' sis, thanks for your unfailing faith in me. G, thanks for your enthusiasm and patience—or the lack of the latter. (Sorry for writing so slowly!) Thanks also to Aberrant's other beta readers: Scott B, Rach C, Mary W, Ken M, and Marie D. It's no small ask to read some amateur's novel, and giving feedback is not always easy or comfortable. Thank you for taking on the challenge. I owe you big time.

Also, thanks in advance to any Wattpad readers who take the time to comment and provide feedback. Your experience is important. Sharing it helps writers become better at their craft and can motivate them to keep hammering the keyboard. 

Finally, I'd like to thank all the writers and editors out there who share their advice, experience, and wisdom so generously with others. All those webpages and videos have helped me become a better writer, and your encouraging words have helped counter the more negative narratives. Keep up the great work.

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