Chapter 4

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                    Bad lugged a few logs into his arms and over his shoulder. He hummed a random tune as he made his way back to Skeppy. 

                     "Hey, Skeppy! I got the wood you needed." Bad called as he saw his friend, who looked up and smiled.
                     "Great! Just making a few stairs for chairs, y'know?" 

                     Bad nodded and smiled, setting the logs down by the crafting table Skeppy was using.

                    Suddenly the air got chillier. Bad shivered and pulled his hoodie closer to his body. Skeppy didn't seem to notice.

                    The pair were outside their mansion build, not really paying attention to the chat as they made their own. They didn't notice George's previous cry for help.
                    Bad looked over Skeppy's shoulder as he placed the last plank into place. The blocks shivered, then came together to form stairs. The demon shivered again, drawing his tail and small wings closer to his body.

                     This time Skeppy seemed to feel the chill in the air, and he shuddered. "Geez, don't think it's ever gotten this cold before." He chuckled.

                     Bad smiled, tugging his sleeves down over his hands to make sweater paws. Or were they hoodie paws? Bad shrugged to himself.

                      "Just gotta place these down and the table should be finished." Skeppy grinned and went towards the house. Bad quickly followed.

                      "It's not that warm in here." Bad sighed and pulled his hood up and closer to his face, slipping the two small horns on his head through the holes in his hood.

                      "You can have my jacket if you want," Skeppy hummed and went up the stairs. 

                       "No! Then you'll get cold! Besides you muffin, I have my own hoodie."

                       "So? You'll be warm at least." Skeppy shot his friend a smile before turning to the table that was on it's own in the room. He plopped down the stairs and flopped into one of them.

                     "Yeah, but then you'll be cold!" Bad crossed his arms as he took a seat next to Skeppy.
                     Skeppy huffed. His eyes trailed over to a wall. "Hey- what is that?"

                     "Huh?" Bad followed his friend's gaze and narrowed his eyes. "What the muffin-"

                     A shadow stepped out with its clawed hands in the air. It wore a creepy smile and had no eyes. A lizard-like tail slithered after it, and horns curled around it's face.

                      "I apologize for intruding," The thing spoke, voice raspy like it hadn't been used in ages. "But I needed somewhere to stay- I don't understand how I got here, and you seemed like nice people.."

                      "Awh, of course we'll help you, you muffin! I'm BadBoyHalo, but you can call me Bad! This is Skeppy!" Bad smiled, white eyes shining happily.

                      "Thank you.." The thing put its hands down. "M-my name is uh.." It paused as it slid over and took a seat across from Skeppy. "My name is Kiva.."

                       "Nice to meet you, Kiva!" Bad smiled wider, if that was even possible. Though, he shivered when Kiva sat down. It was like the shadow's surrounding atmosphere was made of ice. Bad subtly and subconsciously scooted closer to Skeppy.

                       Skeppy wasn't very certain about this new person- like they weren't giving off good vibes. It made him feel uneasy. "You guys wanna go down to the community house? We can get Kiva some stuff there."

                       Kiva seemed to stiffen up at this, but nodded anyway. Bad nodded almost instantly.

                        "Let's goo!" Bad popped up with an enthusiastic note to his voice. 

                       Kiva tensed. It stood and nodded, crossing it's arms. Skeppy narrowed his eyes and stood as well. He grabbed Bad's arm and dragged his friend with him. Kiva followed behind slowly.

                       "Hey!" Bad yelped when they reached the bottom of the stairs. "What was that for?"

                      Skeppy lowered his voice, whispered to Bad. "Look- Kiva is just giving me bad vibes, okay? I don't know why-" He pulled back from Bad and waved to Kiva with a small smile as the shadow-like thing came down the stairs.
                        Bad coughed into his sleeve when Skeppy let go, and they left the building. Kiva stood in the door way for a moment, then slowly made its way out. It followed Skeppy and Bad down the wooden pathway, trailing behind a bit and sending a few glances towards the base.

                         "I-I think I know what you mean, Geppy.." Bad whispered. "When they sat down earlier, it got really, really cold all of a sudden. I was practically forcing myself to stay in my seat so I wouldn't run and hide somewhere warmer."

                         Skeppy snorted softly at this. Bad shivered a bit and cast a look over his shoulder at the shadow-person. 
                           Skeppy rolled his eyes and started to unzip his teal jacket. Bad didn't notice, gluing his eyes on the path in front of him. Skeppy hummed and shoved the jacket at Bad, who flinched at the contact, turning his head to his friend, then looked down at the jacket.
                           "I am not taking your jacket, Skeppy!" Bad crossed his arms. 
                            "You will, or I'll leave it on the ground."

                           "Wh- what? Skeppy no! FINE! I'll take your jacket!" Bad grumbled a few more words under his breath and threw the jacket onto his shoulders. Skeppy smiled smugly.

                            "I win!" He sang happily as the community house came into view.

                           Bad huffed, but smiled when they walked through the door, leading Kiva towards a few chests.

                            "You can take some stuff from these," Bad explained when the dark figure came over. He gestured to the chests lined up against the wall.

                           "Okay." It hummed and slid forward. A dark mist surrounded its ankles this time when it moved. For a minute it stood by the chests. It whipped around to Skeppy and Bad.

                            It seemed like its smile was even wider. Then it hissed.

                            Bad flinched back while Skeppy drew his sword.

                            "Humansss.." It cackled as it twisted and curled into a large jungle cat. "Alwayss the weak link.." 

                            It lumbered around the duo for a moment, its tail flicking back and forth. 

                            "Leader will be proud..." It jumped at Skeppy with a roar. Skeppy screamed and fell to the floor with a thud. 

                            "SKEPPY!" Bad screamed, trying to wrestle the large cat off of his friend. The cat snapped its head towards bad and growled, whacking his hands away with a big paw.

                            "Stupid humans!" The cat growled and jumped at Bad, tackling the taller man to the floor. Bad kicked at the belly of the creature, but then it twisted into a snake. It resembled a cobra, a hood flapping out on its head.

                            The snake struck and bit down on Bad's shoulder, making the man shriek.

                             Then it vanished into thin air.

                             Bad dropped his head against the crafting table floor with a groan, Skeppy sliding over with a concerned expression.

                              "Bad, are you okay?" Skeppy looked his friend over. His jacket had fallen off somewhere in the process of the fight- but he didn't really care.

                               "My shoulder burns-" Bad grit his teeth and inhaled, making a hissing noise.

                               Steam rose from where the wound was on his shoulder, burning the cloth.

                               Skeppy blinked. "I-I don't know what to do-"

                               "Are there any- agh, any healing pots?" Bad tried to shove himself up, but Skeppy pushed him back down gently, then stood.

                                "I'll look.."

                                Skeppy began to dig through the chests for a potion. The sizzling of a black ooze filled the silence of the room.

                                 A chill flooded the room.

                                 Crackling could be heard, like ice forming. Then a tall dog-thing walked through the door of the community house- the same one the duo used when they came through.

                                "Ugh- I thought I smelt the reek of a shadowling here."

                                 Bad yelped and Skeppy screamed.

                                 The creature flicked its ears and slid forward. Patches of it's fur were replaced by ice, which showed the bone underneath. It wore a tulip flower crown. A pair of black eyes with white pupils stared the two down. It had dark, navy blue fur, and looked annoyed.

                                "Calm down. I am merely here to assist you. You seem to have a shadowling invasion here." The creature walked forward and lowered its head to examine Bad, who tensed.

                                It cringed and backed away. 

                               "Shadowling venom. Blegh, revolting creatures." The dog thing tapped the floor with a paw, and ice shot through the door and beside the creature, holding a small bag.

                               It dug through the bag with its nose before taking a vial out and turning back to Bad. It set the vial down on his chest and sat down beside the ice it had created.

                                "Drink that. It will rid of the venom that flows through your veins." It twitched the same paw it used to create the ice-spike structure, which seemed to cave in on itself and shatter. "My name is Neptune, by the way."

                                 Bad sat up slowly and drank the vial. The steaming of the acid on his shoulder vanished after a moment, and he slumped back onto the floor in relief.

                                  "Thank you-" Bad breathed after a moment, sitting up. "I'm BadBoyHalo, you can call me Bad." He smiled and stood up, shaking slightly. Skeppy darted over to keep his friend on his feet.

                                 "Uh- I'm Skeppy."

                                 Neptune hummed and nodded. "I believe I will stay with you two for the time being, until your friend recovers his strength."

                                 "I'll be fine you muffin." Bad chuckled softly, and as if to prove that, he let go of Skeppy and took a few wobbly steps before flopping onto his knees.

                                "Shadowling venom has a grave affect on a human's body," Neptune huffed, standing and padding over to Bad, helping the man up and allowing him to hold onto his fur. "I think you will need my assistance."
                                 The dog-thing stood around five feet tall, maybe a bit taller. For being made of ice in some places, it seemed rather sturdy.

                                  "Let us get out of this infested building. I feel many shadowling presences here."

[DISCONTINUED] Deities [Dream SMP AU]Where stories live. Discover now