its simple. please comment below for more ideas that ill add.
make a cover!!!!!!!!!!!1111111everyone skips over those ugly brown ones. nobody will ever read it hat way
when in doubt, go with picking a category first. pick something that your l interested in, then go through the most read books and look for something that catches your eye, especially a published book. Any published book will have had tons of reads already, so those are good starters for ideas.
Once you have a category, pick a common topic that many people like, like one of the following
1. ROMANCE!!! majority of the people on this site are girls, and romance will interest alot of them.
2. fantasy. always some inaginative people out there looking for a good story.
3. vampire or werewolf. always best to have both, seeing as girls always go for that, but its 50/50. if you have both, you'll attractalot more readers.
4.maybe write a quick fan fiction in your spare time at lunch, on the way to school, even on the bus ride, as anyone who is addicted to things like that wiull be on that like white on rice.
now, actually write the story. see next chapter to get ideas and must-haves when writing a story.
how to get wattpad reads
Teen Fictionhow to write a fool proof book that will get you fans, reads and straight onto the whats hot list.