This is how to create the plot. characters masy not be quite ther yet, but they ill be developed in future chapters.heres your basicv wttpad story elements. search up any story that was successful, and they will have one or more of these teen elements. When writing to adolescents, you always need a story that has at least some major part of the opposite gender.
i.e.- love triangles, secret affairs, best friend love.
video on side has eveything eye catching!!! learn from jb... eww
elements needed are...
1.a girl character. A HOT ONE! i am a girl and every successful wattpad story has a girl ugly girls are writen about. think of that ugly girl you went to school with. that's what everyone thinks about when you say ugly girl. Theres no way to get around it, so make the girl hot. Nobody like reading about ugly people, because be honest, everyong thinks that ugly people have no lives, so dont even bother.
2. she must have 2 love intrestes. A pottentially nice one, who you dont see coming untill he end, and someone that you hope she'll fall for, even though by the time the book is over, the girl will hate his guts, and the reader will too if you write it properly. THEY MUST BE HOT! unless one is a stalker, or you're writing th prolouge and one comes back and is hot, THE GUYS MUST BE HOT!!! add pic on the side so all pervert chicks can look at these guys and want to read your story. one may be an asshole, or unavaillabe, like being a best friend. always have some guy who is hot and friendly be really into the mean girl character. well talk about her later. the other must be really nice. so nice taht its creepy. he can be the guy who she hates at the end.
3.always have a mean chick in the story. shwe sets up the conflict, along woth the ass guy, who she may or may not fall for at the end, depending on if he is the creep of overly nice guy is. decide that now. she goes out withh ass guy, who is top of the line playboy whore. she is too, even though he can be nice, she is always a total bitch.
those are basic story elements. every story has speacial cases, like werewolf stories, or withches and things like that.
1.hto guys who is player is alpha.
2 mean chick is alpha female.
3 creepy nicwe guy is just a part of the pack.
4. main chick is a member of pack., not hard
simple. do that for all your stories and your set to go. thing like that are east, just give the people titles and write your plot. also tips are...
-dont make it too overly confussing. people will get bored
-dont make too many typos. they turn off petenial readers. get an editor if you can, and thank them every chapter.
- dont finish writing because you have no ideas. pm me and ill help you, but just do basic things like make the character come back and be mean again, or havbe a friend turn on the main character. make her do something illegal, makle there be a big secret that nobody knows. whatever you do, DO NOT stop. people will get bored.
- UPDATE FREQUENTLY. when you leave people hanging, they wont wait forever. they WILL delete your story, so maybe type it out in adcvace, and whenever you have a minute to copy and paste it, then you can upload. dot put it off becasue you lose alot of readers that way.
- have some major pitied trajety going on. her parents are dead, she has depreassin. anything that will make a guy feel pity for her.
- when you get to the actuall end, make people cry a chapter before, then end the chappy. they will chuck their phonesz at the wall, and check back every day. also, if you want fans, say that you''ll up[date as soon an=s you have "so many" fans. then update, and they will be really happy.
- write a squel. share that asap, so taht gets read. tell people i nadvance, and they'll be searching for it everyday, and will be estatic to see it go up.
-add something personal at about the 7th chapter. peopel wil lstart to like you, and will be ablew to sit through your boring rants.
- add music, funny pics or funny vids at the side so people will like you, and share you with their friends
- have a description. no body will read youyr book just to read it. nobody knows what its about. even if you just say the story of a dancer, everyone knows that its about dancers, and if they're into that, they'll read it.
there you go. now make those cahracters really clear. chose their looks personallyity, bff's , names. all thoses things. get to know the characters so you can think about what they would do while you write. now write away!!!
how to get wattpad reads
Teen Fictionhow to write a fool proof book that will get you fans, reads and straight onto the whats hot list.