Chapter 2

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Dragging a hand through my sweat matted hair, I thought about the mess I got myself into. Everything was so simple when I was just shoplifting and getting into public fights. The charge wasn't much and the longest the sentence I ever got was a month. It wasn't bad, I made friends.

Lets take it back a couple years to when I was 17.


Walking out of the back door of the house and away from the booming music, I lit a cigarette. I saw Jenessa Travis sitting alone by the fence, swirling her cocktail which was mixed with WKD. I've liked Jenessa since I was a little boy socialising with my neighbours. But I don't need a girlfriend, I'm too 'unsocial' as my nena put it.

It's all about chasing skirt. It wasn't hard since girls throw themselves at me. I'm that mysterious dude you always come across. Always having bruises plastered to their faces, always skipping school. Yeah, them.

"Come on Andy, sort your life out mate. You're always at a party." Jenessa called out to me. How did she even know I was here?

"Jen, we're not 33. I don't need to sort my life out. How did you even know it was me out here?" I replied.

"What, so you got your life sorted out have you? You know exactly what you're gonna do? Know exactly where you're gonna go in life?" When I didn't answer she said "Yeah. Didn't think so."

"So what Jenessa? Life's too short to be worrying about the future love. You gotta live in the moment."

"So getting smashed and having sex with random girls and being a walking STD is living in the moment? You're a man whore if you think that." I was momentarily stunned. She never speaks to anyone like that let alone me. She's totally wasted.

"I don't want to live like them Jenessa! I don't want to wake up before 9 or get a job! Maybe I'm a man whore but it gives me something to look forward to when I get up." She stayed silent. "Jen, I can't live like a normal human. I can't because I'm not. When have I ever been normal? I mean you should know. You've lived next to me your whole life."

"You're not weird Andy, you're just different." I looked up to her then with pain clearly shown all over my face. "Andy, I didn't mean it like that."

"Save it Jenessa. I don't want to hear it." With that I left. I couldn't stand being anywhere near anyone. So I left completely.

I went to take a drag of my cigarette and realised it burned out. I reached into my pocket to fetch another one out and came back empty. I sighed. This meant a trip to the shop where you have to socialise.

I walked to the closest store and got my cash out. Looking at the dusty coins in my hands, I realised I only had enough for a pack of 10 and nothing else. I was in desperate need of a red bull at the moment. The fuck am I going to do? I don't have any left at home.

I walked over to the drinks aisle to make 100 percent sure I didn't have enough. I didn't.

You could always just take it. My conscience tells me.

Talking to myself I see.

I'm serious. I mean, it's not hard. Put one in your pocket since it's deep enough and take one to 'buy' and when you don't have enough money say "Okay mate, just the cigarettes then please." Not that hard.

That's not a bad plan actually.

I quickly pick up two, one in my pocket and one in my hand, and walk to the counter.

"That it?" The overly perky cashier, Jenna, asks.

"Nah, pack of 10 please" I've been here enough times for her to know who I am and what pack of cigarettes I want. Not to mention we hooked up before.

"That'll be £10, Andy." I only had £8.

"Ah, damn. Forget the red bull will ya love?" I said with a friendly grin. I knew it would make her heart melt. She had a thing for me.

"O-okay. Sure. £7 then" She barely stuttered out. I could see the blush through that white powder she uses. I don't see why though, she was a beautiful girl.

I give her the money and take my cigarettes. Walking towards I say "Thanks, love" and leave deciding to go home.

As soon as got around the corner I took the red bull out of my pocket, smiling to myself. That felt better than I thought. It was fun. I wonder if they'll even find out I took it.

If stealing is as easy as that then I may have to do it more often. I thought to myself, surprisingly happy with myself.

When I got home I changed into tracksuit bottoms, hoping my neighbour, Serina, wasn't creeping on me through her window again. Especially since I don't have a shirt on.

I lay back on my bed, having messed around for a couple hours, and thought about the events of the night. And how fun they were.


That was what starting my criminality. A red bull. But it was worth it. It lead me to this life I was living now, careless and free.

I was alright then, when I was a teenager. Doing all nighters, not having a plan but who the hell cared? It's not like everyone knew what they were doing right at that moment in their lives.

Eventually I started doing worse things. I ended up getting a fake I.D so I could buy myself alcohol but then I lost that and started stealing the vodka and beer.

I ended up going to jail a couple weeks after stealing my 3rd beer but that's a story for a different time. Right now all I'm worried about is not being caught running away from these cops.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2015 ⏰

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