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Both you and Akaashi gathered your things and shoved them into your bag in An attempt to keep them dry. You're both waiting outside now, the only thing protecting you from the rain is the canopy overhang.

"You ready?"

"I guess so." You huffed out. You and Akaashi dashed out into the rain, you can feel the raindrops hit your face and trail downward, from your forehead, down your cheek where the droplet detaches itself from you at your jawline. Your hair grows wet as well, your clothes stick to your skin creating that uncomfortable feeling you dislike so much.

You two continue running through the rain and down the street, where you're met with the by road, you and Akaashi wait to cross the street before dashing across it.

"Be careful (y/n)!" Akaashi calls out to you. You don't listen and keep running. well, you were running until you slipped and fell in the middle of the street, causing a car to swerve in the other direction. You're quickly Yanked up by Akaashi and he dragged you across the street. You two are now sat at a bus stop. Trying to catch your breath, not breaking eye contact. You try to speak but feel as if you're going to suffocate if you tried to mutter a single word.

"Why didn't you listen to me?" He leaned against the glass while handing you your bag.

"I thought you were trying to get ahead of me."

"We're racing the rain, not each other." He sat beside you, still trying to catch his breath. You furrowed your brows.

"I'll hit you again."

"I just saved your life."

The sky was now fully dark, your parents most likely had you locked out by now. So you needed to be ready to hop the fence.

"Thanks." You muttered under your breath as you came closer to your house.

"No problem, are your parents home?"

"My mom probably is, my dad most likely isn't." You attempted to open the door, you're not surprised to find it locked. Akaashi's eyes followed you as you rounded the side of your house and began to climb the fence, before falling right back on your bottom. Staining your skirt.

"Goddamnit!" You slammed your fist into the ground.

"Knock..?" Akaashi helped you up.

"They won't answer. Trust me." Your voice grew softer as your mood shifted.

"Did you plan on sleeping in your backyard?" You look at him and nod. The two of you share another moment of silence as the rain continues to hit your wet bodies.

"You can sleep in the spare bedroom at my place." He muttered while rubbing the back of his neck. You wanted to say no so badly, you've slept in the backyard before. Maybe not while it was raining.

"I'll be fine." You grab the fence again, only for Akaashi to grab your shoulder and tug you lightly.

"You'll get sick if you sleep in the rain."

"Whatever." You lowered your arm and turned around, standing before him. Yet again you two stand in silence, not saying a word to each other.

"Are we going or what?"

"Right." He turned around and began walking, you followed behind him while wiping your face.

No words were exchanged on the walk to his house. The sound of the rain was the only thing that was able to drown out the deafening silence.

"We're here." He digs into his uniform pocket for his keys, he unlocked the door and held it open for you to walk in. You hesitated at first, then stepped in. His house had a cozy feel to it, it smelled clean. It was warm too. The soft glow of the hallway light seemed so bright considering you two have been walking in the dark for awhile.

"My parents aren't home. They'll probably get back tonight so you can leave before they wake up." He took his shoes off and locked the door. You hid your shoes beside his.

"Thank you." You folded your hands over your lap and looked at him. He smiled softly.

"I have a question." He walked up next to you. "Why are you so angry all the time?"

"I'm not angry all the time!" You protested and raised your arm as to hit his shoulder. He quickly caught your wrist. You furrowed your brows.

"You don't have to answer. I just wanted to ask you."  He takes your hand and folds it shut, wrapping his hand around it. You both stare at your hands for a minute, his hands are quite large. Quickly you hank your hand away.

"Where will I be sleeping?" You turn away from him, keeping your hand against your chest.

"Follow me." He leads you up the stairs and down the hall. He opened a door to an empty looking room, the only thing decorating the light brown walls was a painting of Mount Fuji, the painting hung over the bed with a large golden frame encasing it. The room smelled clean, the bedsheets were white with light brown accent pillows and sheets.

"This is your guest bedroom?"

"Yes is this okay?" His voice had a hint of concern in it.

"Yeah it's fine. I'll probably stain it though." You point at your school skirt, the bottom covered in dirt.

"Wait here." He entered another room and you just sighed. You could only wish for your house to look like this, his house was so clean and warm. You felt safe. Your house wasn't dirty really, it just smelled that way. Everywhere except for your bedroom smelled like smoke and cheap air freshener. You preferred candles over anything else.

"Put these on." Akaashi came back with a tee shirt and sweat pants.

"These are your clothes?" You questioned him while taking the neatly folded clothes carefully. He nodded.

"I hope they fit alright. I don't want to go through my moms things." He rubbed his neck again and you sighed.

"This is fine..thanks." You shut the door before he could get another word in and started getting changed, dropping your dirtied uniform on the floor. You slid on the sweatpants first and used the string to tighten them. You then slid on the tee shirt.

You open the door to peek out. Akaashi is gone. You step out while holding your dirty uniform. "Akaashi?" You knock on the door you remember him grabbing the clothes from. He opens the door, he got changed into a hoodie and sweat pants.

"Where should I put my uniform?" You crossed your arms. He took it from you.

"Go to sleep, I'll run the washing machine for you."

"You don't have to it's fine!" You grab his sleeve. He turns around and sighs.

"Just go to sleep. I'll wake you up when its time to go." You stepped back and frowned. You watched as he walked downstairs with your uniform. Why was he being so nice to you? You're so rude to him but still..

"Thanks or whatever." You muttered before walking back into the guest room and pulling yourself under the soft bedsheets.

You stared out the window, your eyelids grow heavy. A yawn escapes your lips while you stare out the window, before your eyes shut and you've fallen asleep.

The Iron Dragon - Akaashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now