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You waited outside the office, rocking back and forth on your heels and huffing. You glance over as you hear the door open. You look up and meet those blue eyes once again.

You two stand in silence for a few moments, his hand still on the doorknob as he looks at you.

"I'm not apologizing."

"I'm not asking you to." He shuts the door behind him and leans against it. He looks out the window.

"I don't... I don't owe you anything."

"You don't owe me anything." He says bluntly. You furrow your brows. Confused and disappointed.

"Why are you still here?" You pivot on your heel.

"My friend said he'd meet me here, he's walking me to class." He seemed like an honest person. A little too honest. You studied him for a moment, his eyes not leaving you for even a second.

"You should go in there, the office said they're going to call your parents."

"Fuck my parents." He raised his brows, not expecting that response. You just pushed past him and entered the office.

You spent an hour in there, getting scolded, by not only the dean but your parents over the phone. Hearing your parents yell over the phone drained you. This time you weren't suspended, but you knew that when you went home that your parents were going to make your night hell.

The rest of the day went by slowly, you explained to Farina what happened and she comforted you.

"What're you going to say to your parents?"

"Nothing. That's what." You stuffed your face with some of the food she gave you.

"How does that work exactly?"

"I'm not going home tonight, I'll find someplace else to sleep." You figured that this way you wouldn't have to spend another night at that hell-hole you're forced to call home.

"I can sneak you in if you want." Farina tugged at your sleeve.

"I don't want all this being forced on you, I'll be fine for just one night." You laughed before finishing off your food and packing up. Farina opened her mouth as to say something but you shook your head.

"See ya'." You walked off before she could further argue.

You made your way over to the gym after school ended, you snuck in after you saw some other people exiting the gym. You hid inside the storage closet behind a rack of volleyballs, you curled up between the wall and the rack. For being on a hard floor it was quite comfortable, you quickly became drowsy and fell asleep.

A bright light beams through the space between the volleyballs, shining directly onto your eyes. You shut them tightly before rubbing them. You sat up slowly, to be met with a pair of blue eyes. The same blue eyes from this morning.

"What're you doing back here?" The boy had his hand on the volleyball rack.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" You grumbled.

"Sleeping in the storage closet." He glances over his shoulder. "Akaashi, did you get the balls yet?" You hear a voice from outside the closet yell.

"Oh, yeah sorry!" He looked at you before rolling the rack outside the closet and shutting the door behind him. You sat there in silence for a moment. You carefully peered through the small crack of the door where the light pours through.

The sound of shoes squeaking against the gym floor gives you a headache.

"His name is Akaashi?" You stood straight up and took a breath before peering back through again, you watch as he sets a ball to a loud owl looking guy with funky hair. "He plays volleyball." You drag your finger across the door and look down.

The Iron Dragon - Akaashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now