Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Damian's POV

After that whole fiasco back at the press conference that followed dad's choice of shutting down the company's weapons division, dad and I were driving to the company's main arc reactor. When we got there, we got inside while Happy was waiting for us at the car. We got in and there were a few moments of silence while dad was staring at the arc reactor. Then, I broke the silence.

“Hey dad, can I ask you something?”

“Sure, sport.”

“Why did you do this?” The only responce I got was a sigh, so I continued “What happened back there?”

As he was beggining to tell me, Obadiah walked nto the room. “I'm going to tell you home, ok.” dad whispered at me, it's like he doesn't want Obadiah to hear anything. I wouldn't blame him though, he has been acting really secretively while dad was gone. I go outside to let them talk and go wait with Happy at the car. After a few minutes, dad and Obie got outside, Obie headed off and dad and I went back home. When we got there, Amy greeted my dad and dad then turned to me and told me to walk with him. We went down to the lab and I asked him to tell me what happened back in Afganistan and he told me the whole story, from the ride to the base to when he crashed in the desert in the suit he made to escape the terrorists. Then he showed me the arc reactor on his chest that he built from parts of missiles. I just listened dumbfounded, I couldn't believe what dad went through all that, it was like he was narrating an action movie. After that, he told me to go upstairs because he had something important to do. I went upstairs and found Pepper and Amy in the living room watching a tv program where the reporter was commenting dad's decision rather negatively. I joined them and,while me and Amy talked, Pepper was doing some work when dad asked her how big her hands were and called her down. After she went down to the lab, I decided to change the channel because I was getting really fed up with that dude. I put netflix and me and Amycontinued our 'I met your mother' marathon, but I couldn't pay attention. The only thing that was on my mind was...

What happens now?

AN: I'm so sorry for being late on the updates but I had a lot to do on a school project. I promice I will try to update more frecquently. Till my next update... KEEP CALM AND ARMOUR UP!!!


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