cap.4 finally pallet town

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Blah blah I don't own Pokemon just my oc Emma Lilly LunaI hope u enjoy my story so far   I hope u enjoy part four of my story  I'll  try my best like useal   sorry for bad spell and what  not.       Please comment and help with my mistakes thanks bunches


Pokemon talking
Rotomdex zzz speaking


Location- lost in digglet cave

A small yawn leave your pale pink lips as you dig through your purple striped backpack for your Pokemon food getting set up for a lunch. You wait for Decidueye to come back hopefully with good news. When your done getting lunch in order you look toward your Pokemon  as the play together while a few having mock battles. A large smile form on your thin lips happy that they enjoying themselves.
You notice a few docile wild Pokemon watching curiosity you slowly gets up grabbing some extra food you make your way at them

"Hey little guys its OK I won't hurt you are you hungry?" You ask consciously not wanting to get attacked by the small creatures. You slowly puts a bowl on food in front of them giggling as they sniff it and then begins to scarf it down. 

"I take it y'all like it I'm glad" you tell them as you begin to get up making your way back to your Pokemon. You hear Decidueye coming back for the distance sighing in happiness

"Hello the big guy did u find a way out for use?" You ask happily

"Yes miss Emma yes I did" he chirps in accomplishment

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