💔 2. Moving On.... 💔

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Ships: Liam x Henry, Lia x Henry, Drew x Zoey

Type: Angst

Plot Idea From: Cat-con

Pov: 3rd person

Henry and Liam were currently walking though the corridors of Eastern Vill High. They had a free period so they were planning on hanging out outside near the garden club.

But that was before they heard two unexpected, but recognizable voices. "Ugh! I can't believe him! He's such a loser!" Zoey's high pitched voice yelled out in annoyance.

"I know right!? He keeps sending me My Hero Academia memes. Honestly its annoying. And I would have told him that from day one, if he wasn't friends with Jake. Honestly he's nothing more then a pest, and a dweeb."

Zoey laughed. "I know right!? Henry is such a loser. Honestly how did he even become friends with Drew and Jake. There such hotties compared to him, and Liam."

The two girls laughed evily. Liam frowned, and glanced towards Henry. He looked as if his heart just broke into a million pieces. Which it most likely did.

But Liam didn't get the opportunity to say anything, because Henry quickly turned around, and speed walked the other direction. Heading towards the janitors closet.

'Dang it! I lost him!' Liam thought bitterly as he turned the corner. His eyebrows scrunched up in anger.

'How could Lia, and Zoey ever say such awful things about Herny!? He may be a little weird at times.... like his lettuce fantasies..." Liam chuckled before finishing his thought. 'But he's still a good person, and doesn't deserve such treatment...."

Liam probably would have stood there for hours, with his scrunched up eyebrows if it wasn't for the slight crying noise coming from a few doors down.

Liam whipped his head upwards. He started to slowly walk past the doors one by one, till he got to the janitors closet. He put his ear up against the wall to hear, small, soft sobs, coming from inside.

He slowly opened the door....

Inside was Henry. Siting on a mop bucket. Crying his eyes out.

It was not a very pleasant sight to see. His eyes were all puffy, and the bottom of his shirt was wet from tears.

"H-henry...?" Liams voice echoed throughout the small closet. "Henry are you alright!?" He asked as he ran over to his best friend.

However Henry didn't answer. He just kept staring towards the black and white tile.

Liam pulled him for a hug. "Its going to be okay Henry...." he started rubbing circles on his back. "Let it out.... let it out...."

And that's exactly what he did...

Henry hugged Liam back, more sobs streaming down his face. "L-liam.... why?..... Why am I not good enough for her? I try my best.... is that not enough...?"

Liam pulled away angry. But not at Henry. At Lia and Zoey for making him feel like he was on a piece of trash next to a dumpster. Like he didn't matter.

"Don't listen to what they say Henry. You don't them. And you certainly don't need Lia. Once Drew breaks up with the gold-digger we can finally berid of them." He joked trying to make the little bean feel better.

*Mostly* Drew x Jake Oneshots // The Music FreaksWhere stories live. Discover now