🍋🔪 Hisoka X Reader - Where Am I?

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Finally a Hisoka smut. This was really really requested. Thanks to my best friend for helping me out with the idea. Also the story is a bit yandere.
Word count: 1294

Tonight you had a date with some guy who matched you on tinder, but unfortunately he never showed up so you decided to get wasted to wash the loneliness away.

After your 6th shot on the bar, you already felt so dizzy which meant that the alcohol started kicking in. You made your way to the dancing and you danced with random people like there's no tomorrow.

Suddenly you felt hands wrap around your waist from behind and lips to brush around your ear shell. "What such a gorgeous girl is doing all alone in a place like that?"

If you weren't drunk you would push him off, but you were really lonely, so you played along. "What makes you think I'm alone?" - you turned around a little bit to see the guy. 'Wow he is so handsome..'

He smirked a little bit as if he read your thoughts so you turned around and wrapped your hands around his neck and his hands didn't move away from your waist.

"Maybe the fact that you were drinking alone at the bar." - you frowned and looked away. His hand moved up to your chin and turned you back to look in his eyes.

These golden majestic eyes. You felt as if you can get lost in them. "What's your name, beautiful?" "(Y/N), nice to meet you. What about you..handsome? "

He smirked at your comment and went in to whisper in your ear seductively which made you shiver. - "Hisoka." "Well it was nice to meet you Hisoka, but I'm gonna go for a few drinks more and go home."

He held your hand and kissed it. - "May I have your number at least darling?" "Of-of course.." he gave you his phone and you wrote in your number, then gave it back. You gave him a little wave as you walked away.

Fortunately you weren't going to be unwatched. He was going to keep an eye on you so someone doesn't try to hurt you.

As you were at the bar you decided to go for vodka shots instead of liquor as earlier. Suddenly some guy sat next to you and tried to take advantage of your drunk self.

He got up and started taking you out of the club. 'Damn he must've slipped something in my drink.' As you two got out of the club you were getting closer to his car.

Just as he was going to open it a tall red headed guy stood up in front of him and held a card near his throat. "How about you let her go and come with me for a second." "(Y/N), dear stay here and wait for me."

They two went to a back alley and did who knows what. A minute later Hisoka came back with his black dress shirt stained a little with blood. "Hisoka, are you.."

He picked you up and you blacked out in his arms.

In the morning you woke up in a stranger's bed. You immediately looked to the other side of the bed to check if someone was there, but there was no sign of anyone.

When you looked down at yourself you saw that someone even changed you into a black long t shirt. You quickly checked if your underwear was still on, fortunately ot was.

When you got up you started feeling really nauseous. You quickly ran out of the room in search for the bathroom. Gladly it was in front of the bedroom door.

You kneeled down to throw up, but suddenly two strong hands pulled your hair to the side. When you finished he gave you a few tissues and water so you can wash away the nasty taste in your mouth. Suddenly your memories started coming back.

"H-Hisoka.." "Good morning darling, feeling better now?" "Yeah.. Thank you." - he gave you a hand to help you up and lead you to his living room.

"Let's get you something to eat, what do you prefe-" - you quickly cut him off - "I'm fine Hisoka, you don't have to." - "He got in front of you and his finger lifted your chin a little bit.

"It wasn't a request dear. Is this how you say thanks to me for saving your life?" - your eyes widen at the memory of the last night. "I-.. I'm so sorry." - he smirked at your look.

"Now be a good girl and sit and tell me what do you want to eat." "Uh no. This time I'm gonna help you instead." - he cocked his head to the side in a questionable way. "Fine."

He decided to make eggs so you got a few tomatoes to slice. Unfortunately you cut your finger a little bit instead, because you were distracted of how hot he looked.

You really were trying to hide the blush on your cheecks, because he was wearing sweatpants only. You didn't even notice when he got behind you - "Distracted aren't we? Let me take a look."

He grabbed your hand in his large one and walked you to the sink to wash off the blood then he bandaged it.

You were really flushed this time, because of how focused he was on your hand. He gave you his usual smirk. - "Your thoughts are going a little wild aren't they?"

Your eyes widen at the realization, but his lips slam against yours and his hands trailed to your lower back then your ass. He lifted you up and put you on the white marble counter.

As you never split up from the kiss your hands were burried in the back of his head stroking his soft red hair.

As you pulled away from each other his lips found their way on your collarbone, kissing and biting on yoir sweet spot which earned him a few moans.

His hands rested on your bare thighs rubbing them until he grabbed the shirt and pulled it off. In less than a second your bra was gone as well.

His lips went down to your breasts leaving a few bites and hickeys there, marking you as his.

When he got pleased enough from the bruises
his hands trailed to your waistband pulling your panties off. "So wet for me from just making out, what a dirty girl you are."

He couldn't handle the tightness in his pants anymore, so he quickly pulled them off. He grabbed you from the counter and put you down on the couch in the middle of the living room.

"Please be gentle Hisoka." - he grinned at your wish - "Sure, but only this time." - he grabbed one of your legs and put it above his shoulder.
He didn't waste a second and slowly entered you, not moving until you gave him a sign.

He chuckled and started moving a bit faster which made you close your eyes and bring your hand to your mouth, biting on your finger to prevent your loud moans.

Suddenly he grabbed your hand from your moans and held it on the side of your head. - "Don't hold back your moans, kitten."

His actions brought you over the edge and you threw your head back - "Hisoka.." - he groaned as you tightened around him, which made him finish.

As he pulled out of you he picked you up to sit on his lap, facing him with his hands around your waist and your chin on his shoulder.

"Hey, you have a really nice view from here. Where are we?" - he chuckled - "We are at the Heaven's arena darling. I'm a floor master."

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