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Nightmares POV

He's been in Errors room for 2 hours. We've been discussing what to do with him. But why would Dream run away from Ink... He had no reason for it.

We heard a portal open and Blue can out of it. With a letter in his hand. With tears rolling down his face.

"Dream wrote this to me... I just read it and it..here Nightmare read it." Blue hands me the letter. I read it and my eyes widden.

"He did run away i was RIGHT!! So HE ran away because he found out that Ink had been lying?" I say skimming through the letter."Maybe he was smart. Did you tell Ink?" I question Blue. He shakes his head then we heard a crash come from upstairs. He all jolted up and looked at the stairs.

"What was that?!" Blue whisper shouted. Then I remembered we had a guest... Speaking the devil he came crashing down the stairs. Landing on his face. "Wait your that tall skeleton!!" Blue shouted. Eclipse jolts his head up and looks at Blue. He immediately teleports infront of Blue. Smiling... He then pats Blues head then looks at me..

"Your finally awake is see. Eclipse was it?" I cross my arms with the letter in my hand still. He nodds then seemed like he forgot something.

"so-sorr-sorry but h-have yo-you seen a l-little d-diary?" He asks looking at me the Error taps his shoulder making him jump. "O-oh s-sorry" He fiddled with his hands.

"Is this what your looking for Dream..."Error says with a gold diary in his hands.

"Y-yeah it i-is... W-wait D-dream?! S-sorry bu-but my nam-name is E-Eclipse..." He started to shake his head and then tried to get the diary out of Error hands but failed. He looks pretty pissed now.

"GIVE IT BACK YOU ASS!!"He shouts without stuttering. He then had the book in his hands. Eclipse then hugs the book.

"Eclipse can I have the book..." I say darkly which makes Everyone except Eclipse step away from me.

"No can do Nighty." Wait that voice. It can't be!!

"DREAM!!??" Me and Blue screamed."How you look so different you don't look the same!!" 'Eclipse' turns and faces me. With a sad expression.

"Because I died..." He then smiles and his gold eyes come back."I died in a copy of Horrortale and now I am known as the god of time and destiny." He then has tears in the corner of his eyes.

"What..." Blue had tears rolling down his face. "Bu-but you couldn't of Died!!" Blue hugs 'Eclipse' crying into his chest.

"Sorry Bb. But I know about the balance and you an Error. I don't know how I didn't notice you were friends before it was so obvious!" Eclipse starts laughing. Which made Blue smile. "There is a problem tho. I will have to be in the bad guys side. The reason for that is because I killed almost everyone in an Au... Also don't tell Ink i will tell him when we get into battle." Eclipse then gave a sinister smile which made Cross make a 'eep' sound.

"Well you could use some training." I say smiling. He then laughed.

"Me need training. Hah. don't give me training I'm as strong as Error if I use my full power." Eclipse closes his eyes then gives a sinister smile to me.

"Cocky are we?"I chuckle. He then goes back to his innocent look. Just saying my brother has never sworn. If your wondering 'well he could of done it when I wasn't around?' Yeah no i can tell he is still innocent.

"Nightmare I'm not as innocent as you think... I legit killed infront of you." He then did a Frisk face -_-.

Well i can't blame him. Well he hasn't sworn yet so I'm still calling him innocent.

He then walks to the sofa then sits down. Closing his eyes. "He's asleep..." I sigh.

"So is Blue... they are hugging it's so cute!!" Cross takes a picture. (NOT A ship?)

______Time Skip______

It was getting late so we head to sleep. Leaving Blue and Dream on the sofa still hugging. Blue was crying in his sleep so we let Dream sorry Eclipse try cheer him up.

"Wow first my brother goes missing then I find out he is dead and is now one of my crew of killers... Cool." I then fall into my deep sleep. It feels nice.

Blue POV

I couldn't stop hugging Dream sorry Eclipse. I just missed him. Even though he only went missing today... But I still missed him. qwq

I close my eyes wanting to go to sleep when I feel a hand stroke the top of my skull. I open my eyes to see Eclipse smiling at me. I smile back the sit up a bit.

_____Time Skip______

We talked for 4 hours it was now 4am in the morning. It was nice talking to Eclipse finding out what new powers he has and all sort. We even talked about the balance. I've never been able to talk to anyone about the balance except Error but I could really see him because of Paps...

He even has Wings then I remember falling asleep. Hugging him felt nice warm. his wings felt like blankets.

We ended falling asleep on the sofa again which is gonna give me a back ache when I wake up. QwQ

As long as I get to see my best friend again that's all that matters. I wish I could be a bad sans like Error and Eclipse. Now Nightmare has a powerful group maybe more powerful then the star sans.

Ink has something else coming after him. Don't get me wrong he deserves it but it's not his fault he just doesn't know about the balance and it's not like I can tell him. Maybe Eclipse can tell Ink.

If he does what will the future of the Multiverse look like. Will it be hell or will it been kind a peaceful?


Hopefully you guys like this story it's orginal so I hope you enjoy it. Remember if you want to make something like this with Dream being a God don't forget to tag me. ^3^

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2020 ⏰

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