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"would you mind pressing the button for the seventh floor please?"

she glances at the man beside her and smiles politely before turning to press the button for the requested floor and her own button for the sixth. the elevator rises from floor to floor and with each floor she gets a more unsettling feeling about the man in the elevator. they're already keeping a small distance in the small space and with that she takes another small glance in his direction, trying to get a look at his posture.

the elevator stops and she steps out and takes a right. she takes notice of the fact that her heels would click if the floor wasn't carpeted and she feels her heel sinking in with each step. the unsettling feeling resurfaces and she notices she isn't walking the hallways alone. due to the carpeted floor she wasn't able to hear any footsteps, but she felt the same presence she had just encountered a few moments ago.

she turns on her heel and manages to duck under the attacker's hit. she proceeds to avoid getting hit and instead takes her opponent by surprise by fighting back more fiercely than they were. she then manages to get them in a hold and then takes a look at the their face. "who are you?"

"i was sent here by your father to find out your whereabouts." he tells her and they both let go of their positions to stand in front of one another. "he's looking for you."

"now, she's going to tell you that we recently met up. she'll probably say sometime between the day before or the week prior."

she smiles lightly and crosses her arms in an unthreatening manner. "funny that he's supposedly looking for me and trying to find out my whereabouts when we met up just yesterday."

"she'll then tell you about how i already know where she's residing. wether it's at a different address or in the building you catch her in. doesn't matter. she's going to tell you i'm well aware of her supposed whereabouts."

"he also happens to know that this," she motions around the hallway, "is my apartment building considering we had dinner in the foyer." she says, feigning innocence.

"tell her that i told you she told me she needs money. just to get her going."

"he says you told him you needed money." he looks her straight in the eye with the same blank expression he's had ever since he stepped foot in the elevator.



she starts stepping closer as she continues, "i don't know who really sent you or what you think you're trying to find out, but let me just tell you this."

"i am not working with my father."

"and i'm not looking to do so in the future. i'd never think about asking my father for his tainted money. i also have no information considered classified or confidential regarding the business, so please."

"do yourself a favor and see yourself out." he puts his glass down on the table next to him.

she looks the man in the eye and turns to walk away, but before she can get too far she hears him say something she hadn't heard from any of the other men before, and in that moment she realized this man was indeed sent by her father.

"your brother." she stops in her tracks, "he's in trouble." she slowly turns to face the man yet again.

"minghao needs your help."


yo yo yo!!! i'm so close to just posting this without even editing just bc if i take time to edit i'll overthink and just never post it bUT i guess i'll edit it first 👎👎

well i hope this was maybe a little cool or entertaining???? i haven't written in YEARS and i'm nervous about getting back in the game aaaaa but i just finished escalator and it was just it's just it was so crazy that was a whole ass roller coaster ride woah the action filled scenes were really fun and exciting so i was very intrigued and yeah that kinda sparked this idea !!

happy to be writing something again it gives me so much serotonin shdjfjg but yeah hope u enjoyed !!

cut to the chase junhaoWhere stories live. Discover now