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You wake up to the feeling of a warm hand against your shoulder, carefully rubbing your arm.

"Wake up." A soft voice spoke to you. You slowly opened your eyes and looked around the now sunlit room. You look over to see Akaashi standing over you, trying to wake you up.

"The shit?" You furrowed your brows. He was close. Real Close...

"Goodmorning to you too." He handed you your uniform and a small paper bag. You sat up.

"What's in the bag?" You slowly opened up the paper bag, to see two decent sized rice balls.

"Onigiri-?" You closed the bag again. He nodded.

"I figured you might be hungry, my mom made extras." He stepped back. "You should
Get going, my parents will wake up soon. Don't worry I'll make the bed." He helped you up and began to make the bed and fluff the pillows. You walk downstairs and slip your shoes back on. Putting your uniform and the paper bag in your school bag.

"I'll see you." You turn to see Akaashi, who's standing at the top of the stairs. You freeze for a

"Hey Akaashi," you lean forward to get a better view of Him. "Sorry about punching you, and thank you." You spoke quickly before leaving. He froze at the top of the stairs, his heart nearly beat out of his chest.

You stood outside your door, chewing your lip. You finally build up the courage to knock on the door. You can hear your parents from behind the door. Arguing over who's going to answer it, eventually, your dad gives in and opens the door.

"Get inside now." He grabbed your arm and yanked you into the house. You hung your head low, ready for a beating or scolding.

"Where the hell were you last night?" Your mom put her cigarette out and walked over to stand beside your father.

"I stayed at a friend's house."

"What friend?"

"Farina." You take a step back, bumping into the wall. Your parents examine you for a moment.

"Are those her clothes?" Your dad crossed his arms. You nodded and furrowed your brows.

"Go upstairs." Your dad swung his arms and walks back to the living room, as your mother continued with whatever bull shit she does in the morning. You lock your door and slide down against the wall after entering your room.

"Assholes..you're the ones who locked me out." You mumble to yourself and curse under your breath while taking the paper bag out of your school bag. You examine the Rice balls carefully before picking one out. It was still warm. You took a bite and felt like time had stopped. This warm fuzzy feeling spread throughout your body. You took another bite, and then another. Eventually eating the whole thing.

Tears threatened to spill from your eyes. You can't remember the last time either of your parents had made an actual meal for you, let alone a time where you've eaten together. You ate the second rice ball slowly.

"Thanks, Akaashi." You mumbled to yourself after eating both of them. You took your uniform out and hung it up, you left his tee-shirt on and changed into some jeans. You fixed your hair and grabbed your phone to call Farina.

"Hi hi (y/n)!" She always answered the phone like that.

"Hey Farina, wanna meet up at the park today?"

"The party is tonight." She had a confused tone in her voice.

"What party?" You hadn't heard anything about a party. You assumed she meant a family party.

"Naomi is throwing a party tonight. Down at the beach! You're not going!?" Her voice got higher, you felt as if your eardrum was going to burst.

"I wasn't invited." You shrug.

"You don't need an invite, anyone who saw her post is allowed to go. You're going as my plus one now. I'll pick you up later!" She hung up before you could get another word in. You grumbled under your breath and clenched your fists.

"Farina!" You screamed into your pillow.

The Iron Dragon - Akaashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now