Chapter 13

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**mature content**

"Happy birthday scorpius" Hermione and Draco voices boomer together. It was scorpius's 3rd birthday, he started to look more and more like Draco everyday.

Hermione and Draco had eventually started dating. To this day Hermione would embarrass Draco with it.

Hermione was had scorpius playing with water by the black lake.

Draco was sitting a little further away as to not 'ruin his clothes' which Hermione found silly.

"Hey mione?" Draco called out to her. "Yeah" she said back not taking her eyes away from scorpius. "I want to take you out tomorrow" he blurted out quietly. "Huh?" "I- I wanna take you outonadate- I mean tomorrow?" Draco said so quickly Hermione didn't hear half the sentence. Hermione sighed and just agreed to whatever he said.

Harry and Ron came down towards the three and took Scorpius from Hermione. "Wh-." Ron out a finger to Hermione lip while Harry was walking away from them ron ran to catch up.

"You do realise they stole him right" she asked Draco. Draco nodded and Hermione moved closer to him.

Draco helped Hermione up from the ground as they started walking towards the castle. Hermione noticed something dropped from dracos's pocket. She quickly picked it up putting it away.

They walked into the room to see Harry and Ron already their.

they all hanged out for a while before Ron and Harry had to leave. Hermione had moved into the room with Draco as to help with scorpius.

While Draco hopped into the shower Hermione remembered the note and decided to read it. When she finished she was shocked. Draco was going to ask her to be his girlfriend and wrote a letter to know what he was going to say?

Hermione waited for Draco with her arms crossed trying her best to look mad but failing a little.

Draco walked out of the bathroom and froze in his tracks when he saw Hermione's face.

"Hi?" He questioned.

"What's this?" She held up the note. Draco silently cursed himself. "Uhh" he stuttered.

"Okay mione... I was going to ask you tomorrow but here it goes" he started before Hermione cut him off. "Draco Lucius Malfoy..." Draco cringed at his full name being used. "Yes" "yes?" "Yes" "uhh Hermione be my girl-" Hermione cut him off again by kissing him. "Woah" they both said and laughed.

**flashback ended**

Hermione and Draco finished school a couple months ago and was now living together in the manor. Lucius and narcissa much to their argument moved out into a smaller place that was made for them on the edge of the Malfoy land.

Draco walked Into the room after multiple tries to get scorpius to settle down. "He's finally-." Draco cut himself off with the sight before him.

Hermione was on the bed in Lacy underwear. "Uhh" Draco felt his blood flowing downwards.

"You've been stressed draco" Hermione said slowly. Draco couldn't move he was frozen on the spot he had never seen Hermione like this before and he liked it.

Hermione stood and walked over to Draco taking his hand before taking his hand and pushed him onto the bed.

Hermione and Draco had only ever done it once before and that was for Hermione's birthday.

Without thinking Draco pushed his lips to Hermione's, he let out a low growl when Hermione's hands pulled on his hair. His hands roamed her body. Hermione started to pull on his shirt signaling she wanted it off.

Draco broke their lips and flung his shirt off then turned them over so he was on top, his lips moving down Hermione's neck for sure leaving a mark.

It got heated fast and Draco could feel his erection growing fast, he unbuckled his belt and slipped his trousers off leaving him and Hermione in just underwear. Hermione looked down and saw Draco was already hard. She smirked. "Draco..." she moaned as Draco nibbled on her neck, taking her bra off as he did.

Draco kissed her breasts as his hands went lower and a his fingers hooked the waistband on her underwear before looking up at her. She nodded and he pulled them off of her.

Draco stopped for a moment to look at Hermione. "Your beautiful" he growled quickly pulling his own boxers off, his erection slapping his stomach. Hermione moaned at the sight of it.

Draco summoned a bottle of lube and put some on his hand before stroking his erection a bit and lining up to Hermione. He looked up at her once more.

Hermione nodded, Draco pushed into her, never breaking eye contact with each other they both moaned. He thrusted slowly letting her adjust to his length.

Hermione begged Draco to go faster and so he did. Draco started thrusting harder and faster into her. Hermione moaned loudly grabbing the sheets for pleasure.

It wasn't long before Hermione felt a pressure in her lower stomach. "Draco... I'm gonna-." She hit her high within seconds, moaning out loud.

Draco continued his rhythm before reaching his high, not thinking he came in Hermione.

He pulled out and laid on Hermione for a few minutes wrote rolling over and cuddling up to her.

"I love you" Draco whispered in her ear. "I love you too" she whispered back.

Before any of them could fall asleep a faint cry was heard. Groaning Draco rolled his eyes, and pulled on underwear before walking out of the room to check of his son

Hi .. so this chapter was a little awkward if I say so myself. My first time writing any smut btw so sorry if it's bad.. :(

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