"I can do this." 💔

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POV: One
I'm going to try this again, no, I'm going to fly, no trying bc I'm just gonna do it. I can do it... I hope I can do it, I want to do it. I stretch out my wings, it brings tears to my eyes, it hurts so much, it hurts. I lift them up into position, it still hurts, but I have to do it, I'm more than a disappointment.It feels like they are being torn off, my wings hurt so much. Tears start streaming down my face, fuck it hurts. My breathing is picking up, I want to fly but it hurts, I can't do this, I can't. I want my dad to help me, he'd know what to do. I let out a gasp as I start to cough on my sobs, I have to do this, just this once please.  I'm standing off the balcony to Winter and I's house, all there is one step, one fucking step, and I'll be falling, and the only thing to save me are my wings. Just one step.
POV: Third Person
    One holds his foot out over the pit of rocks, the house is over a huge cliff, falling could kill someone, or in this case hurt very much. He is stuttering, his movements slowing down as he starts to get scared, "I can do this," One said as he puts his foot out further. One starts to visibly shake, starting to regret everything he was doing, but decided he was already too far in to back out now. With a big breath he leans forwards and falls off the balcony.
Time Set Change: Setting - The Way Home With Winter
POV: Winter
I sigh, it's been such a long day, I just can't wait to get home and cuddle with One. He was supposed to get home before me this time. He was put with soul collecting today, I think he only had one thousand to get today. I had to start planning on snow storms and snow showers with it turning into fall, it's getting closer and closer to winter. I went to the store to pick up the grocery list One gave me, which is weird because he'd usually get them, I get distracted a lot due to candy. I still got them though, all of the healthy stuff as per usual, with some candy as well of course. I start to see the house, I let out a relief filled sigh as I fly to the front door of the house, turning the knob to notice it is locked. That's odd, One should be home at this time. I fish out my keys and unlock the door with a click, and I open the door, as I open up the door I look in front of me to the balcony. I watch as I see One fall off.
POV: One
    I'm falling...I'm falling? Why am I not flying?
    I try flapping my wings only to get immense pain flowing throughout my wings and back, I cry out with pain as I continue to try to fly, tears streaming down my face due to the pain. It hurts so much, it hurts, but I have to flap my wings, or at least sore. Please just let it work, I just want to fly again. I look down to see the rocks getting closer. Shit, shit, shit, I'm going to crash, I'm gonna fucking crash. As I thought I was going to hit the rocks I felt something or someone catch me.
    "What the fuck were you thinking?"
POV: Third Person
    One looks up to see Winter holding him, they fly them both back up to the balcony. Winter sets One down, as One falls to his knees, head hanging down Winter lands in front of him. "What the fuck?!" they shouted in pure rage, "One you idiot! What the hell were you fucking thinking?! Were you even thinking?!" One just stays quiet, head still hanging low, looking at the ground. Winter gets more mad at the no response, "You know you can't fly well! You know it's dangerous for you to fly in general! Why would you think it'd be a smart idea to try to fly into a cliff, with NO ONE HOME?!" Winter shouts, rage bubbling over. One still showing no response, Winter huffs and walks up to him, "At least look at me when I'm scolding you please." Winter lifts One's head to make him look at them, and they are met with a tear stained face, showing almost no emotion. "One," Winter questions, "are you okay?" One opens his mouth...
POV: Winter
    "Why can't I do anything right?"
    My eyes widen, "What do you mean?" I question, as One looks away. "I said why can't I do anything right?! I have wings for a reason! They were meant to be used to fly! Why the fuck can't they work correctly?! I just....I just want to fly again." One falls to his hands and sobs on the ground in front one me, he starts to choke on his sobs as he cries out in pain. I fall to the ground in a sitting position in front of him, I lift his face up and wipe off his tears. "One please breathe with me, in seven, hold four, out four, just copy me." I start to breathe this way in hopes for him to copy. I don't even know if he can hear me, "One?" I question. He nods, letting me know he can indeed hear me. "Okay love just copy me." This continues for a few minutes till his breath calms down, the sobs changing into sniffles. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, what I did was dumb I'm sorry." I rub his face, "Hey shush shush, it's fine, I'm not mad anymore okay? Just please never do that again." I lift him up and bring him inside, I lay him stomach down on the couch, his back probably hurts so much right now. I walk into the kitchen and grab a heating packet and walk back into the living room, and place it on One's back. I hear soft snores from him, as I sit next to him and let everything that just happened sink in.
Time Set Change:
    I sprint forward, jumping over the railing, and diving straight down in attempts to catch One. He's falling, One is falling, I have to catch him, I can't let him get hurt. I tucked my wings in so I can go even faster, with this I see One getting closer and closer to me. He's so close please, I reached out and I hooked my arm around his waist to avoid his wings, and caught him.
Present Time:
    I sigh as I'm sitting on the floor by the couch, today just got more stressful but at least he's safe. I look at One and grab his hand, kissing it lightly. "I love you, so much, please don't scare me like that again." I whisper into his hand as I fall asleep.
    "I'm sorry, love you too."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2022 ⏰

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