Chapter 8: Butterfly Kisses

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On the drive home I felt a tickle on my arm but I didn't think any of it. I was just thinking of James. I kind of wanted to know who he was. If he was just the star California boy or something more.

And boy, would I find out.


It's Sunday again, so it's street hockey with the guys today.

"Dad! Pass it to me!" I yell to my dad. He used to play hockey in high school. He was slightly less blind than now.

"Okay Dom, here it comes!" My dad swings but Zane, one of the Perry boys, quickly steals it.

"Shit." I mutter. I begin running towards him, trying to steal it back. Zach comes in clutch and hits it away before Zane can get it in the goal. I quickly get in control and swing it into the goal, where Ron isn't fast enough to block it.

"Yes!" I fist bump Zach as he runs over to me.

"Well done son!" My dad gives me a pat on the back and Ron gives me a high five. That was our last game of the day. It felt good to win for once, after our game with James the other day. I can't help but to think about what he thought he saw when he crashed into me. Was it intentional? I have no clue.

"Dom! Let's go!" I hear my dad yell from the front door of my house. Suddenly I realized I'm the only one standing in the street still and everyone went home. The fuck??

"Yeah one second," I shudder a bit from the wind and begin walking. Not even a second later I see someone out of the corner of my eye walking around that crack house from last Sunday. It's a boy, and he can't be younger than high school age. He seems to be looking for something. I decide to walk over to him and see if I can help.

"Hey, are you lookin' for something?" I shout from a couple feet away and he looks at me like a deer in headlights. He stays silent, almost frozen in his tracks.

"You need help? You lose somethin'?" I ask, trying not to be too nosey. The boy looks slightly scared, but I can't really see his eyes with all that shaggy blonde hair. After about 5 minutes of just standing there he finally says something.

"Um, no I was just.. I was just looking for my.. my.." His eyes darted around the area, and then behind me. I noticed a pile of mail sitting in the unkempt grass behind my feet. I bent down and picked up the pile for him and tried to brush off the dirt. I couldn't read the name that was on it but I saw the address. It was to the crack house.

"This?" I gave the boy his mail and smiled a little. He didn't smile back and muttered a thank you before scurrying into that crack house, a black cat trailed behind him. I didn't know anyone even lived there, not gonna lie. He was kinda weird but I'm surprised I've never seen him before. He should go to my school but I never see the bus stop at his house. Weird.

I don't think of the situation any longer and soon I'm back at my own house. My mom already had dinner made so I just sat down at the table.

"Do you guys know if anyone actually lives in that old crack house down the street?" I asked my parents as they sat down with me.

"Uh, not that I know of?" my dad said with his mouth full.

"If I remember, a family of four moved into that house, two sons, but something bad happened and they might have moved out? I'm not sure what happened to them." My mom pushed her glasses up her nose. Yep, she's blind as well.

"Oh." I said. Did I see a ghost or something? He looked real to me. However that black jacket he was wearing did look old and worn out. Maybe I'll have to go investigate some day. I finish my food and head up to my room. As I approached the entrance to my room, I felt blood drip down my arm.

"Shit." I said for the second time today. Maybe it was more than twice actually.

I quickly change my direction to the bathroom and hold my right arm over the sink. I see many one inch cuts forming and bleeding quickly. All I can do is run water over them and massage my upper forearm, hoping my soulmate will stop. Tears slip from my eyes, not only from the pain, but from the fact that my soulmate is feeling so low that they want to do this. I just wish I could be there for him.

After about twenty minutes, it stops. I apply Neosporin but before bandaging them up, I give each cut a small kiss. I hope he felt that.

I trudge back to my room and get a blue pen. I lay on my bed and begin writing on my knee, since I'm wearing shorts.

/you know, it's funny. I have a feeling that you're left handed. But what isn't funny is that I'm right handed xD/

That really hurt to write. But I'm gonna have to deal with it.

/im sorry/

/it's alright. can i draw you a picture?/


/what the fuck is that-/

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/what the fuck is that-/

/its a BUTTERFLY asshole ;( /

I tried really hard on that. I'm no artist, but it came from the HEART and that's what counts. I gave the butterfly I drew a kiss.

/omg i just gave the butterfly a kiss so now its a butterfly kiss get it :))/

/thank you I will never wash this knee again uwu LMAO/

A smile pasted itself on my face. It felt good to make him laugh. At least I hope he did.

/i expect this to be tattooed on your body./

/only if u get a matching one/

/bet :) /

If I wasn't blushing before then I definitely was now. The fact this guy can make me melt inside and I haven't even met him says something.

I just want to hug him so bad.




So i know that its been a hot minute (4 months) since I updated this book and yeah im sorry xd

Btw the beach was pretty fun but no sexc in the sheets ;(((

Also i would like to say i only updated bc someone said they really liked this book and i got inspired to write another chapter xD

But i really like writing these fluffy scenes :)))

I hope to actually push the story forward soon and im sorry if it feels like its the same chapter over and over again

Yes i am in AP language and composition class but this does not apply xdxd

Anyways i want to write more chapters while i have this inspiration high so stay tuned

Love yall

-ur mom

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2020 ⏰

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