Chapter 2

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Nessie woke her up early the next morning. 

"Uhhh... Nessie. Why do I have to wake up?" Biana asked half asleep.

"Princess Biana. Like I said yesterday, this is a very important day. You need a bath, your nails done, and your hair styled.  You also need a dress, shoes, and accessories. There is no time to sleep!" Nessie explained. 

Biana said nothing. 

"Princess Biana?" 

Suddenly, Biana felt a splash of cold water on her. 

"Nessie!!" Biana screeched, now wide awake, "how could you!?" 

"Well it worked, didn't it?" Nessie said with a sly grin on her face. 


"This is the tenth dress!" Biana exclaimed. 

"Ah but it's ze perfect one" her german stylist said. And it was. It matched her creamy tone, and brown hair. It was silk, and the perfect shade of  pink. 

Her hair was lightly curled, and she had just enough makeup on to bring out the teal in her eyes

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Her hair was lightly curled, and she had just enough makeup on to bring out the teal in her eyes. 

Her nails were simple, but beautifully done

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Her nails were simple, but beautifully done. 

She had on her mother's ring, and a simple heart-shaped necklace

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She had on her mother's ring, and a simple heart-shaped necklace. 

When she walked out of her enormous bathroom, her stylist was amazed! And as much as Nessie tried to hide it, she had tears in her eyes. 

Her other maid who was Tam's sister, Linh, said, "Oh Princess Biana you look beautiful!" Biana looked and felt gorgeous. She took a deep breath, and walked out of her room. 


Biana walked into the Great Hall, flashed a smile and waved for the camera people who were broadcasting her 'decision' throughout the entire countryside. In the hall, her brother and father sat on their thrones, quietly observing. Biana glanced to the right where more camera people had set up. On the left, a handful of servants, including Nessie and Linh, stood ready to help with anything needed. Biana took her seat in the throne next to Fitz's.

"Ready?" Fitz whispered grinning at her.

"As ready as I can be." Biana answered.

A tall man came into the room holding a scroll. Oh brother, here we go, thought Biana.

"Prince Wylie from South Africa," said the announcer. Wylie was a good looking man with tan skin and brown, cropped hair. He walked up to Princess Biana and bowed his head slightly.


"It's nice to make your acquaintance Your Highness." Wylie said.

"The pleasure is mine, Prince Wylie. I hope you enjoy your stay at the palace." answered Biana.

He bowed his head again, and walked to his seat.

The announcer was talking again, "Prince Jensi from Valencia, Spain."

In walked a short, bouncy young boy with longer brown hair. He dramatically bowed.


"Good evening, Princess Biana! How was your day? I must say this is a very fine palace. Very fine indeed." Jensi said, talking a million miles a minute.

"My my. Don't you have quite the energy?" Princess Biana said, "how old are you, Prince Jensi?"

"I am 16, Princess Biana. Did you know that the average prince becomes King at 20? My great grandfather became King at 21 though. I wonder why..." Jensi said, trailing off.

"Well, it was very nice to meet you, Prince Jensi. I look forward to talking to you more." Biana responded, cutting him off. She was overwhelmed by his personality already.

"Prince Valin, from Sweden." announced the man holding the scroll, "He is 30 years old."

Ew. Twice my age. No way. Biana thought.

Valin was a interesting man, with long, greasy hair, and a terrifying look in his eyes. Princess Biana felt a weird vibe from the beginning. He strode right up to Princess Biana, and grabbed her hand.


"Oh Your Highness. Don't you look scrumptious today. It is my upmost pleasure to meet you." Then, he kissed her hand rather relentlessly for a very long time, until the King himself cleared his throat. Biana felt very uncomfortable.

"Oh... well thank you... Prince Valin for those.... individual... words."

"It is my greatest jubilation to please you, and i cannot express how thrilled I am to get to know you in the next month. I cannot wait to marry you and have a long future with you as my bride."

Biana didn't answer. She was disgusted by this behavior, and she sat down and realized she was getting quite tired of this.

"Prince..." the announcer started, but Biana cut him off.

"May I have a minute or two? I need to freshen up."

Without an answer, she walked out of the room, with Nessie and Linh trailing behind her. 

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