Chapter 2 - A Sweet Reunion

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Hey guys, just wanted to give a quick writer's note: if I make any changes to the way that certain fights go or decide to make them not happen, they dont happen for a one reason or another. I also might do some other P.O.V's as this book goes on. Now that that's out of the way let's get to our cinnamon rolls move to I-island.

I walked home with all might to collect my stuff and tell my mom about the move that we are making to I-island. I felt a smile on my face as I thought about seeing melissa again after these few months.

"What has you so cheery young midoriya?" All might asked

"Nothing!" I yelled slightly as I lied. My mother always said i was bad at lying.

"Are you thinking of melissa, my boy?" All might teased. I blushed so hard my face was slightly in pain from all the heat i felt on my cheeks.

"I knew it, dont worry midoriya she will be happy to see you too!" All might assured me.
"I'm home!" I said as I walked through the front door. My mom rushed from the kitchen to the front door and was now panting heavily from all the anxiety she was having plus the running she just did all the way from the kitchen.

"So what's going to happen with you guys, Izuku?" Mom asked

"We are being transferred out of japan" I said. My mom looked at me with a small tear in her eye but it came from a set of eyes with determination.

"I know I cant stop you from going Izuku," Mom said "All might I have a question for you."

"Yes, Inko?" All might answered curious to her question.

"Would it be possible for me to go to I-island so I can be with Izuku and watch him grow as I have done for the past 16 years?" Mom asked

"I was going to tell Izuku this but I guess I have to tell him now," all might said "The students have 1 bedroom apartment but us teachers have a 2 bedroom and I was not assigned another teacher to have as a roommate, so if you would like you could move in with me in my apartment?"

"I would love to" Mom said with a smile at the fact that she will still get to watch me grow. I smiled at how friendly mom and all might had become.

"Well I got to start packing up the stuff I didn't already pack this morning" I said.

"I will contact the movers who are grabbing my stuff from my apartment on the other side of town to come and grab your stuff aswell Inko" all might said with a smile

"Thank you for this opportunity to see my boy grow." Mom said.

"I have no problem with doing this, young midoriya needs to be able to spend time with his mother and it would be a shame to have you be the only parent not coming onto I-island."

"Wait...WHAT!?" I shouted as all might finished what he was saying.

"Well she was the only parent who didnt give her contact information to me or aizawa to put it into the schools contacts which our principal studied for an hour then had memorized" all might said

"So wait, all the parents are coming?" Mom asked just as shocked as I was

"That was the plan that's why I came back with young midoriya" all might answered. I looked at my mom and we both nodded and began packing up everything we had. All might helped us when ever he could because he was having a bad blood day so he was coughing every 30 minutes. When we finished my mom just smiled and walked to our balcony to call our building supervisor and her work to tell them that she was moving. When she came back I gave her a big hug.

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