Chapter 2

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"Someone must have jumped her," I said to Aki as her facial expression started to change.

"You may be on to something, Kai, and you might be right. Mai has never lost a fight, so it must be that. Do you know anybody that would do that?" Aki asked me as I scanned the room for somebody.

My eyes had then landed on (insert BuLlY naMes)

"The three musketeers," I said as I looked back at Aki, who started to laugh.

"Lets not start drama right now since we don't even know for sure if it's them." Aki said while getting up to go ask the teacher if she could go to the restroom.

"Sure," I mumbled as I walked to my seat and laid my head down.

Bakugou's POV

I saw the little dumbass lying on her table while her friend left the classroom. I looked at her, and she caught me staring at her for a bit before she gave me a soft smile.

''Dammit..." I said to myself as I turned my head back to my conversation with Tsubasa and extra#2.

6mins later...

''Yo Bakugou, you think Akira would be interested in me?" Extra 2 said as she walked back in.

I looked at Tsubasa, and he looked at me, and we both started to crack up.

"Y-you isn't funny! IM serious!" He said, which made me crack up more while Tsubasa was trying to hold his laughter.

I walked up to the extra and placed my hand on his shoulder and whispered.

"Not a chance." I then drew my head from his ear and pointed my head to Daichi. "Plus, I'm pretty sure shes interested in Daichi." I said while scoffing.

Tsubasa then spoke up. "Yeah dude I agree with Bakugou no offense bro."

Extra 2 sighed. "None takein bro..."

We had talked for a while until it was PE.


BTW I'm just adding random things that happen in a middle school cuz I don't really know how Japan do their middle school and stuff.


"Alright class, its time for PE. Go to your lockers and change and line up near the gym," Ms. Akiro had said.

"This is gonna be fun." I mumbled while smirking, but before I went out the door, I saw Kai asleep.

"YO BAKUGOU YOU COMIN?!'' Extra 2 said near the door. YEAH, GIVE ME A SEC! I yelled while making my way near her table.

 YEAH, GIVE ME A SEC! I yelled while making my way near her table

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*act like she aint smiling while she sleepin lol*

I tapped her shoulder, but she didn't move. I tapped again, and she didn't move.


"Bro why the hell are you yelling for?" She said while yawning and stretching. She got up and started to place stuff in her bag since she saw nobody was there.

"Today is P-," Before I could finish, her eyes widened in realization of what day today was, and grabbed my hand and ran to the locker area to change. Luckily the students were still there changing.

"Uh, thanks for telling me Bakugou, I owe you one!" She said while running inside the girl's locker room.

I walked inside of the boy's locker room, sighing to myself as I went to my locker.

"Such a dumbass..." I said to myself while changing into my gym clothes.



I went into the girl's locker room and decided to change quickly since most of them were done and about to leave.

"Hey KAiIiiIi!" The three musketeers said together while walking towards me.

"Is there a problem?" I said while taking off my shirt showing my black sports bra with my abs

"Nononooo...we just wanted to make sure your...ok." The leader whispered the "ok" in my ear like it was supposed to make me tense.

I picked up my shirt that was in my locker and placed it on me while closing my locker.

"Obviously, she knew what had happened, but if I want to play smart...I can't give her the reaction she wants. She may have not been apart of it for all I know and made somebody else do it. I can't be fooled." I thought to myself as I started to place my hair in a ponytail while letting two strands of hair fall on each side of my face.

If that's all, we should all head out, the class is about to begin and... you wouldn't want to be late now, would you? I mumbled the last part while making my way to PE, smirking.



"Jeez...he could be a little nicer." Aki mumbled next to me while I let out a little laugh before or gym teacher began to speak.

Today will be fun, but I guess it depends on what you kids consider fun these days. Today we will be playing.

Capture the flag...

Thanks for la wait :)... also sorry its short mah baddd

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