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The stars were glittering beautifully that fateful night, lighting up their path of travel. The sixteen cats of herbs and healing were trudging through the thick snow of the CloudClan mountains, with Roseessence leading the way. The closest place to StarClan was The Clouded Clear Place. There, clouds circled an always cloudless sky above a large chilly frozen pond.

"How's MapleClan doing?" Juniperchill quietly asked the MapleClan med cat next to her.

"Not well. Glacierlily has been tending to our starving cats as much as she can... but we lost Marshpaw and Hareear." Skytail replied, her tail low. "I don't know if we'll survive the upcoming leaf-bare."

"Don't say that! If needed CloudClan could help!" She replied quickly.

"Yeah... I am curious though on why you guys have six med cats."

"We're a big clan." Galewind responded, joining in on the conversation nonchalantly. "Plus our cats keep stepping on sharp rocks. Mainly the kits. And it takes three med cats to keep a kit still!"

"You must be! How much of your clan even goes to the gathering anyways?" Skytail wondered, ignoring his second statement completely.

"Most of us." Galewind lied, flicking his tail angrily.

"Oh, Alright." Skytail responded, recognizing his hostile tone and backing off.

Galewind watched the she-cat hurry off and turned to Juniperchill, unhappy. "What was that!? You just let her keep asking questions that could give CloudClan away!" He hissed quietly.

"Sorry! I wasn't gonna tell her! Plus what could MapleClan even do?" Juniperchill whimpered, her paws shifting nervously on the shifty ground.

"Be careful next time then. You don't want to be a traitor like-" Galewind started.

"We don't say his name. You know that." Juniperchill reminded him.

"Guess we're both slipping up today." The other med cat chuckled before walking away, leaving her alone.

Juniperchill glanced around at the full moon with a smile. She didn't expect for much to happen tonight, maybe meet up with her sister and see how she was holding up, but that was all. The Clans had been at peace for so long, no one even thought about there being any problems. Everything was perfect.

The ground started to level out as they reached The Clouded Clear Place. As they crowded around the frozen pond.

-)HIDDEN(- -)BOOK ONE OF TRIAL OF FOUR(-Where stories live. Discover now