Candy Canes and Christmas Socks

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Lucy's POV

Ahhh. Finally, I can sleep in. It had been a very busy week, and one with not much sleep.

Yesterday we had to deal with two type two ghosts, (when the owner of the house said only one faint ghost, might I add) the day before, a stone knocker when the woman reported a wraith, and of course, through all this, I've had to deal with the nagging headache I've had all week.

"Lucy. Luucyyyy. Are you going to keep pretending that you can't hear me, or are you going to listen?"

"Why can't you just let me sleep?" I groaned.

"I did. And if you ask me, I'm feeling quite refreshed."

"You don't even sleep!" I picked up my pillow and chucked in the general direction of the skull.

"Fine. Be like that. I was just going to let you know that Lockwood's about to bust through your door."

"Lockwood's whaa-"

My door flew open, and in it's place stood a very excited looking Lockwood. I quickly sat up, brushing away the hair and drool that was plastered around my face.

"Lockwood! What the heck, you can't just barge in here like you own the place!" Oh wait, he does.

"Right, sorry Luce" he said, shifting his weight from foot to foot. I finally noticed his appearance.

His dark hair was splayed over his right eye, and he had a santa hat jammed on his head. In his arms he held a box that had colorful things poking from the bulging top. After standing there for a few seconds, a smile slowly crapt back onto his face.

"So Luce, do you want to help decorate?" He jiggled the box as he said so, and I couldn't keep back the grin that came to my face at his pure childishness.

"Fine" I said, rolling my eyes. I picked up my spare pillow. "Now get outta here." I threw the pillow at his head, and he ducked to avoid it.

"See you in a few." He spun around and shut the door.

"Oooh, someone's blushing." I turned and scowled at the skull.

"Don't make me come over there." I hopped up and headed to my bathroom to change.

Lockwood's POV

Well, I think that went quite well. I bounded down the stairs and flopped my box of Christmas decorations on the coffee table.

I had managed to convince Lucy to help me decorate for the holidays, and so far it looks as if George might have already gone to the library to study for cases.

Lucy came down the stairs and wandered into the living room. She had on her usual black leggings and black t-shirt, but had traded her grey skirt for a red pleated one.

"Mornin, Luce!"

She ambled over and looked at the box. "Alright. Show me how much we've got."

I flicked open the lid of the box, revealing stockings and christmas lights.

"Alright, that's not too bad. I think we can be done in about 20 minutes." I held up my finger, making her pause.

"What makes you think this is my only box?" I wiggled my eyebrows.

"Lockwood" she sighed, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, don't be such a a scrooge, Lucy." I gave her my best grin. "Besides, it's either you and I do it, or George does it."

Lucy shuddered. "I can't imagine."

"Right then! Let's get down to business."

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