- iv. dragons and disputes

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Harry Potter aged 12, suspect entrant in the Triwizard Tournament. His eyes swimming with the ghosts of his-

"Rubbish!" Lea said before crumpling up the paper.

"Why does it bother you so much?" Monica questioned while taking a mouthful of oatmeal.

"He's only twel- fourteen! I mean let's just face the facts here, 1st year he almost got killed by Voldemort himself, 2nd year he almost killed by a Basilisk, 3rd year he had a mass murderer trying to kill him! Starting to see a pattern? Besides there isn't one mention of Fleur, Krum, or Diggory in here!" Lea explained.

"You're blowing steam out your ears." George jokes.

"Not the time, George!"

"So, what do you think the first task is?" Fred interjects, not wanting Lea and George to start fighting.

"Maybe they'll have to manhandle a kelpie." George says stupidly.

"Don't be ridiculous, George, the lakes all frozen!" Lea says irritatedly.

"Don't call me ridiculous! You don't know what they have planned!"

"No but I'm smart enough to know they aren't going to make them have a swim in the middle of November!"

"Dragons." Monica says out of nowhere.

"Come again?" Lea says thinking her friend has gone mad.


"How do you know?" George says a bit short tempered.

"Shut your mouth and listen, George." Lea fires back.

"Gut feeling."


"DRAGONS!? Fleur, are you sure you didn't hit your head on something?" Lea says in shock.

"No, I have not. Madame Maxime told me this morning." Fleur reassures in a heavy French accent.

"Right ok uhh, well, I'll see you around. Love you!"



Harry turns around a bit startled.

"What is it?"

"Your first task. You have to do something with dragons."

"Err, not to be rude or anything, but where exactly did you hear this from?" Harry questions with a distrustful look on his face. "I mean you're from Beauxbatons right? Don't you want them to win? It is your cousin participating afterall... if I were you I-" Harry starts to ramble before Lea places her index finger over his lips to shut him up. He blushes a bit at the contact before saying. "Sorry."

"Look, it's not fair. You're 14 and they're all of age. The least you can do is get an idea of what you're up against"

"Right well um, thanks."




Lea sits down next to Monica and the twins with a bewildered expression on her face.

"You look-"

"I KNOW!" She shouts, "Monica!"


"You were right?"

"About what?"

"The dragons!"

"WHAT!" Fred and George shout at the same time, gaining confused stares from all four house tables.

"Keep quiet! Fleur just told me this morning."

"Great, but it was just a joke wasn't it?" Fred questions.

"No, apparently it was a 'gut feeling'. Anyways, Monica, what vision did you have about?"

"A tall handsome boy-"

"I'm sitting right here!"

"Hush up, Fred! Hufflepuff. Next thing I know I see some short kid clutching his body as if he's dead!"

"Hufflepuff? Tall? Dead?" Lea says while looking deep in thought. After a minute or two she blurts out, "Cedric Diggory and Harry Potter?"

"You should tell Dumbledore." George reasons.

"No, he'll think I've gone mad. The vision isn't even clear enough."

"Why don't you talk to Trelawney?" Lea asks.

"Trelawney? Are you mad!"

"You can talk to a healer at the St. Mungos mental ward if you prefer."


"Don't look so sad, you might save a life."

A/N : i'm starting to right my own subplots as u can see with this chapter, i have some rly cool ideas for the book. still debating on whether or not i should have george & monica become a thing for a bit or at least have one 'moment'.

word count : 585

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