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Sooooooooo, I know I haven't updated in forever. I know I've been saying I was going to try and update more recently but, I procrastinated yet again so sorry but hope you enjoy!

"Tam what are you doing here!" Linh exclaimed.
Tam ignored Linh, "Sophie stop pretending your innocent and get out here," Tam stated. Sophie slowly came out of hiding from behind the bush.
Biana gasped,
" Sophie you were in on it too!"
"Well I guess it depends on how you define in on it" Sophie blushed.
"Ok did you know what tam was doing and did you voluntarily come?" Marella snapped.
"Tan forcibly blackmailed me into helping!" Sophie blurted out.
" hey stop taking advantage of my awesome emo self to protect yourself!" Tam shouted.
"There's no point of being friends if
I can't say that you blackmail me into doing stuff!" Sophie protested. They went on like that for a while until they realized the rest of there friends were just staring at them.
"What?" Sophie and tam asked at the same time.
"It's just your so cute together" Marella squealed. Sophie blushed and Tam glared.
"That's beside the point I for one want to know why you were even here in the first place." (There Dex goes again being the smart elf he is) they all looked at Sophie and Tam expectantly.
" I wanted to spy on Linh and Marella and I recruited Sophie as backup" Tam stated blankly.
"Tam it's not ok to do ok that." Linh sighed , " although I can't say I'm surprised."
"Look we're sorry can you forgive us" Sophie asked.
"Hey I never said I was sor...." tam started but Sophie elbowed him in the gut before he finish.
They all looked at each other and burst out laughing , "of course We forgive you!"
"I never asked for your forgiveness" tam grumbled to himself.
" We know but you got it anyway"Linh giggled. They all spent the rest of the night laughing and hanging out. It felt perfect.

Ok that wasn't the best chapter more of just a filler but thx for reading anyway. I not even gonna try promise that I'll update soon because we all know that's not true. But I will update when I stop procrastinating!!!!!!
Thx again luv you all

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