I want everything!

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If looks could kill then Dazai would surely be dead by now.

Chuuya decided to bring Dazai to go shopping near their shared penthouse. At least that was what Chuuya planned.

Dazai's birthday is just around the corner so Chuuya wanted to buy Dazai a gift but don't know what the brunet wants. So here he is glaring at the brunet with people watching them weirdly.

Chuuya have been asking Dazai what he wanted but the brunet refused to give him an answer. More like not answering the question properly.

"Dazai, for the last time. What do you want for your birthday". Chuuya grit his teeth when Dazai only stare at him for a while.

He even have the nerve to act like he's thinking. Dazai hold his chin with his index finger and thumb humming as if he is thinking on what gift he should buy.

"I want everything!" The brunet said loudly earning them some attention from the customers. Chuuya looks like he is about to pop a blood vessel.

"For fuck sake Dazai! Just answer the damn question or you won't be having anything for your birthday!".  He even have the nerve to pout.

"But Chuuya~ I already told you what I want". The brunet pout. Gosh if Chuuya could kill him right there he would.

"You only said you want everything". The brunet beam at him. "Yup that's what I said~ I want everything!".

"Dazai, I'm not buying you everything from the store!" Technically Chuuya can as since we work as an executive and make a lot of money. Still, he won't be spoiling Dazai as the brunet is already spoiled enough.

"Since when am I talking about the gifts?" Chuuya halts. What do he mean by that? " What do you mean?".

Dazai have that big smile on his face when Chuuya looks so confuse. " I don't want gifts. I want everything". His smile turns soft.

"If you keep saying you want everything then I won't understand". The ginger sigh. Dazai whine. "But Chuuya~ you're my everything. You're the only thing I want for my birthday~" The brunet pout.

As soon as those words left the brunet's mouth, Chuuya blush. "Y-you! S-stop saying sappy things!". Dazai laughs and hug the small ginger around the waist.

"I can't wait for my birthday~ hopefully I would find chibi wraped with a ribbon too!"


A very short story that I randomly thought of while in the shower. Currently my country is now in lockdown once again and I am now in need to learn online. So I'm hoping that I would come out with some ideas to update frequently. My English is not at its best so I'll have trouble on finding the right words and sentences but I'll try

Thanks for still sticking around. Until the next update

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