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Desiree ^ 4 years Later From Equally Deranged

3rd POV

It's been 2 month since Akira started her working, Ciel no longer wanted to do his work placement at his father's company, as he wasn't speaking to them right now. He settled for a another company that was near Akira's workplace. They only had 1 more month until their program would be finish.

"Will you not talk to them?" Akira asked, as they pulled up to the building where she works.

"I'll come pick you up later" he replied, he got out of the car and opened the door for her.

"Whatever" Akira replied as she unlocked her seatbelt and got out of the car.

Akira have been experiencing mood swings and vomiting. She held her hand over her mouth and gagged.

"What's wrong? You feel nauseous again I think we should go to the doctor baby." Ciel said.

"I'm fine" she snapped. A small part of her knew what it was but she refused to believed it. She didn't want this right now so she chose to ignore it.

Ciel pulled her in for a hug rubbing her head, "Fine, we'll talk about it again later."

After they separated she entered the building and went to her section.

"Eve morning" Akira greeted as she smiled.

Eve and Akira has gotten closer when they've started working together. She was someone who Akira could confide in. She's the only who knew the truth.

"Did you go to the doctor yet?" Eve asked, "Want me to go with you after work?"

"No I haven't and thanks" Akira replied.

"So that means you haven't told him as yet." Eve replied. It's been 2 month now Akira you have to tell him sometime soon, or else he'll find out eventually"

Akira rolled her eyes, as she say down behind her desk.

"Ladies, trouble in paradise" a familiar voice said.

"Desiree" Both of them said.

"Morning girls" Desiree replied

They met Desiree when they were on lunch, They found out she's married to The CEO, she would often visit him sometimes. They gotten closer within the 2 month they've been working here. They would also go out for drinks together. They were no strangers to each other.They just clicked like they were meant to be close friends.

"So did you tell him?" Desiree asked. She pushed a stray coil from her side of her face behind her hair.

"She didn't" Eve replied.

"So do you not plan on telling him?" Desiree asked.

Akira groaned as she lay her head on the desk. " I dont know yet. This wasn't even suppose to happen I don't even want any kids based on first hand experience they bad as hell, no offense Desiree, but they require too much attention"

"None taken" Desiree replied, "I mean yeah they do, especially a six year old and 2 four year old. I swear they drive me crazy, but at the end of the day I still love them, you'll grow to love him or her" Desiree explained.

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