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Grizzy: The movie plot will be coming in chapter 15!


For Osa and her family, the first few months of 2016 weren't too bad thus far. She might do better without those dreams interfering with her sleep routine. She caught up on bonding with the boys and Splinter in the lair whenever she wasn't slumbering The majority of the time, it was just the same old routine interspersed with moments of boredom, excitement, and, of course, the less-than-ideal days.

Once in a while, she would practice her shifting skills and receive new information about her abilities. It turns out her four-inch pointed ears are a communication tool. Well, they would be a great use if there were more shapeshifters out there.

Her ears rattle, mimicking the sound of a rattlesnake with bits of chirps and trills. Donatello believes whenever her ears vibrate, they hiss in about a thousand different ways that have certain meaning-- morse code for shapeshifters.

Of course, Osa has no one to communicate with because there are no other shifters to practice with. Pretty much, it is useless at this point.

While she was here in the lair, Osa swiped her tail on the dirty floor, making little dust bunnies and listening to music while reading a book in her bean bag. And her reading buddy is Nugget, her rubber chicken. It took her a few minutes to realize Donnie was missing from the lair.

It was just the other three brothers doing their hobbies this evening while Splinter meditated in his room. She got a whiff of the air and detected there wasn't a fresh odor of Donnie. She gets up from the beanbag, leaving the book and chicken in her beanbag and following the old smell.

She follows Don's previous smell trail with her until she reaches the lair's exit. After moving on, she came across a ladder hidden beneath a closed manhole cover. She pushes off the cover, climbs the ladder, and hears the sounds of the city getting more distinct.

Police sirens, people chatter-- Oh, you get it!

Osa got a new trail from Donnie and immediately began following it before covering the manhole up. She sniffed him out quickly, following it over one building and coming to another alleyway. "Don?" She says, seeing him next to a large vehicle. "Whoa, what is that? It's big." She said, walking up to it.

Don smirked, backing up to see a better view of it. "A garbage truck." He says, looking at the damage it received. There are four very flat tires, broken glass and headlights, and a scratched-up paint job. "The old van we have is... it's okay. But it's a little too small."

"I think so, too." Osa ran her hand across the side of the truck, gathering dust in her fingertips and palm. She looks at the driver's side handle and climbs up, pulling the door open. Her nose picked up dirt and old food crumbs, indicating this had been abandoned for a few months. She finds herself sitting in the front seat of the truck, touching the wide, round steering wheel. "Cool."

Don comes through the passenger door and shines a flashlight through the entire interior. "We can definitely use this guy." He says, finding the keys on the dashboard.

"It's broken," Osa said.

"Yeah." Don smiled. "The perfect opportunity to glamor it up." He steps out of the truck and so does Osa.

"How do we get it home?" She asked.

Don looks at the flat tires and scans the enormous size. "I'll figure something out. Let's get back home before the guys and Dad see we're gone."

It looks like the new family vehicle was going to be this garbage truck. The truck itself is the ideal size, has few areas of damage, and is repairable by a humanoid turtle. He'd let his 'girlfriend' assist him if he so desired. Donnie and Osa saw each other more as "mates" than as girlfriend and boyfriend. They felt that to have those titles, they had to be human after hearing the other terms. On the way back home after discovering the garbage truck, Don held Osa's hand, swinging them back and forth.

𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚎𝚜 𝙸𝙸 ♡ (ᵗᵐⁿᵗ '16) 𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟸 ❪✘❫Where stories live. Discover now