Chapter 117 - Prelude to the Great Battle (1)

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Prelude to the Great Battle (1)


“Hello. My name is Ahmong, and I am the lead broadcaster for this week's Ranking show.”

“My name is Ken.  I am the broadcast assistant.”

There was a uniquely shaped desk placed in the middle.  It  was something one would see on a news program.  Three men were sitting behind the table.  The first man had a silver armor on.  The second one had a red robe on, and lastly, the last figure wore a white priest robe.

It was the Ahmong and Ken show.

It was a weekly program where they rated the contents related to Warlord. It was a popular show where it easily garnered 3-4 million views each episode.

“Today's guest is from the Triple Wings guild, and he is one of the top priests in this game.  We have Kipi-nim here today.”

“My name is Kipi.  I'm in charge of healing the Triple Wing guild's main Raid team from the backline. It is a pleasure to meet the viewers of the Ranking show.”

The secret to the success of the show was the fact that they used their extensive personal connections to bring on guests.  Every week a User affiliated with the 30 great guilds appeared  as the main guest.  There was no reason to doubt their ability to book guests.

On the other hand, the content of show was quite unoriginal aside from the guests they were able to book.

“We'll immediately start the Ranking show with Kipi-nim.  What is our first ranking?”

“This week we are ranking the pay per view earnings ranking.”

The ranking show was based on provocative topics, but it was information anyone could gather on their own.  The draw of the show was the conversation shared by the personalities.  It was akin to gossiping behind other's back.

Of course, this was the main reason why this show was popular.

“It is a very hot topic.  This is great.  Since this is a hot topic, shall we reveal the ranking from the top?”

“First place is the Red Bulls guild's Thorn Turtle raid video.”

“Isn't this quite atypical?”

“It is atypical. The 30 great guilds has the regular live channel broadcasting rights, and it is possible to purchase live tickets to view the raid in real time.  Usually, this would lead to relatively low sales regarding paid videos. However, this one bucks that trend.”

“That's correct. Usually, there is an inverse relationship between the number of live ticket sold and the number of paid videos sold.”

“The Red Bull's Thorn Turtle Raid sold 1.5 million live tickets, yet over 930 thousand people purchased the paid video.”

“If we just consider this week, 200 thousand people purchased the paid video. It is incredible. As a veteran of the 30 great guilds, I would like Kipi-nim to give a more detailed explanation on why this is occurring. Please give us your opinion on this subject.”

At Ahmong's question, Kipi immediately went into his explanation.

“Usually, 25 users are allowed to participate in the Thorn Turtle raid. As you all probably know, the video we just saw was completed using only 12 Users. They were extreme in cutting down the number of people participating in the Raid.  This is why the Red Bull's Thorn Turtle raid footage is worth analyzing.”

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