18 - drafts

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drafts that:

im too lazy to finish
have unfinshed plots
have a generally a bad storyline
only have the main problem in it

if i get inspriation or if an idea is popular engough, ill must up enough energy to write it as a fully fledged oneshot.
fyi:: most of these were written directly onto wattpad labeled 'drafts' and some are written in a doc.




warnings: detailed? gore/sensory overload

summary: tommy and tubbo are mc hybrids.


extra: unfinished because idk how to add more context into this.

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pain sprouted out of tommy's body, screaming as short, small stubs bursted out of his back. his head aching, mind filled with nothing but his own yelling. the harshest of harshest migraines hit the child, undeserving of this pain.

white noise rang in his ears as he clutched his head and tried to rip out the stubs ripping his back. he sobbed, his throat croaking and his voice hoarse. he scratched and scratched his back, his nails filing on the inside with dried blood and skin as hands pried his own away from his dreadful body.

blood filled his hands as he stopped screaming, tommy's voice dying out as he clutched the carpet and rammed his head against the wooden floor beneath it. he didn't feel the floor, more like horns pierced the floor making him stuck.

tears clouded his vision as his the salty water poured out of his eyes and flooding the carpet underneath, his horns making the floor broken with two large holes.

and yet, his head still throbbed, his horns still grew and the flowers still blossomed. he let out one final scream as his eyelids finally shut, his pain lessening and yells piercing the almost silence he was left in unconsciously, an injection piercing his skin that was littered with yellow freckles.

"good job, tommy. you survived." a soft, clear and familiar voiced whispered in his ear, warm and entrancing arms hugging the child and embracing him.


tubbo's shifting was much worse.

short black antennas grew, each one gaining more nerves as it grew. clear wings tried to fly out of his body, his body tugging and his screaming apparent.

he was thrown into a room filled with flowers, an intoxicating smell he couldn't bare. everything smelt worse, and he was much more quiet than tommy.

that all changed when his wings sprouted out of his body, blood splattering and skin ripping violently. his dedication to not scream, all broke when he sobbed for it to stop. "PLEASE-PLEASE, PLEASE, MAKE IT - MAKE- MAKE IT STOP! I CAN'T- I CAN'T-" he screamed, his arms barely grazing the nerve filled wings and more pain fluttering up his back.

blood and sweat poured down his forehead from the black antennas that flopped back and forth, almsot tempting the boy to rip it out and throw it, but as he tried to pull out one, he ripped the black nerves making him scream as louder as before.

he heard buzzing in his ears, an even more trance to blow everything and just rip everything off as he scratched his back mercilessly, falling onto it and screaming even more as flowers that used to be dainty and soft, were now harsh and aggressive as it brushed against his sensitive wings.

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