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I know the last time I updated was September,, yeah I don't have an excuse.

Once Kaminari woke up, it took him a couple of seconds to remember, like, everything.

He looks to his side and is shocked, scared, surprised? Not to see Shinsou by his side.

It was his apartment, his bedroom, his bed. So why isn't he here?

He tried to stand up off of the bed and felt a sharp pain in his chest. Right, broken ribs.

He stands up, noe carefully, and walks out to the living room.

Not seeing anyone but Taxi, he continues for his search, to the kitchen. There he was, Shinsou. Standing in front of the stove and making food.

He let's out a sigh of relieve and walks up to him "I thought you left"

Shinsou turns around and hugs Kaminari, not too tight, he doesn't want to hurt him "Sorry, I wanted to make food before you wake up"

Kaminari hugs back "It's alright, you're here"

"Darling, the good will burn if you won't let go" Shinsou chuckles

The wannabe Pikachu flushes red and hides his face in Shinsou's chest "Shut up"

He looks down at Kaminari and got concerned once he saw how red he turned "Are you okay? You're really red. Do you need some painkillers? How are your ribs feeling?" in a few words, he overreacted

Shinsou cupped Kaminari's cheeks with both hands "Shinsou"


"You need to know the difference between blushing and being red because of a fever or something" he looks up

"Oh" he nods "I overreacted, sorry"

Kaminari smiles "I'll forgive you, if you finish making breakfast-"

"Lunch" he corrected

"Lunch" Kaminari continues "Taxi and I want to eat"

"Taxi already ate" Shinsou turns around and continues making their food, while Kaminari continue to hug him from behind

"Okay, Taxi wants to watch the food. It's his aesthetic" Shinsou laughs.

So for a while they just stood there, enjoying this moment, not caring about anything, just loving each other and Taxi.

After that they ate and Taxi watched them, just like Kaminari said.

"Say, what about your shop?"

"I took a free day. I didn't want to leave you here alone. I'm way too worried about you and your health"

"What did I do to deserve you?"

Shinsou stands up and takes the dishes to wash them, Kaminari follows him, of course "I'm pretty sure, at some point in your life, you made kind of deal with the devil"

Kaminari gasps dramatically "So this is what you think of me?"


"On the other side, something like that might have happened in middle school" middle school was crazy, not only what he did, but the school in general, but that is another story, maybe it will never be told.

"You know I'm not even surprised" he finishes washing the dishes and drags Kaminari on the couch.

Since Kaminari let himself fall down on the couch like a sack of potatoes, Shinsou made him sit up straight.

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