22: Exciting.

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So, Me and Hoseok decided to stay in my apartment since we're near and bts is our neighbor. And in short, He wants a long life cuddle from me. HOW SWEET.

Hoseok: So, What's our call sign?

Y/n: Oh. We haven't yet right?

Hoseok: Yeah. I've been waiting for it.

Y/n: Oh really! Lemme think.

Hoseok: What about Daddy?

Y/n: So nasty!*pouts*

Hoseok: Hey!? I'm sorry haha. I'm not that kind of guy who'll do some crazy things. I just wanna love you forever.

Y/n: Aww. I love you too forever.

Hoseok: Oh! By the way. So what is it!

Y/n: Hobi.

Hoseok: My name?

Y/n: Oh! C'mon it isn't your name from the top I call you Hobi right?.

Hoseok: Oh okay! I love it! So shall we?

You both kiss and you two show their love to each other.

*Week after*
Its been a week. But, I feel dizzy and I'm always hungry like something that I've never experienced before. So, I bought 2 pregnancy test to be sure.

And When I got home. I tested it. Last minute before I'll check it both.

So, I checked it. But first, I got worried since I thought of negative thoughts. But, When I see it. A tear fall from my tears with joy.

So, I tried to hide it from Hoseok since I don't wanna pressure him.

I'm walking to our room but someone is standing in my back and turned out it is Hoseok as usual.

Its Hobi.

Hoseok: Hobi. Are you okay?

Y/n: Y-Yeah. I-I'm okay. (Did I just stuttered? He'll be suspicious)

Hoseok: Then, Why are you fluttered knowing that I'm here?

Y/n: Oh nothing! Absolutely nothing hobi!

Hoseok:Tell me. I know you are hiding something! Whatever it is hobi!

Y/n: I-I-uh....

Hoseok: What is that?

Y/n: What do you mean?

Hoseok: Don't fool me Hobi!

Y/n: Uhmm..-

You accidentally drop the 2 pregnancy test. And looked surprised. Hoseok especially.

Hoseok: Are you pregnant?!

Y/n: Oh. Well about that..

Hoseok: Gemme that Y/n

Y/n: Please Don't leave me!?

Hoseok: I won't! And I'll never!

Y/n: Yes, I'm one week pregnant. Sorry for not telling you earlier.

Hoseok: It's okay! Hobi I love you! We both know that! No secrets!

Y/n: Thank you for loving me!!

Hoseok: Forever I will~

You two go to clinic for pregnancy check up.

Doctor: Oh. Goodmorning! What can I do for you?

Hoseok: Doc. Can you check my girlfriend?

Doctor: What's the problem?

Hoseok: She is pregnant doc. I want to make sure that they are both okay.

Doctor:, No. Problem. Wait a second. Are you Jhope?

Hoseok: Uhm..

Doctor: Don't worry I'm just your fan and don't worry I will make sure they are both okay! Congratulations for you both! I'm so overwhelmed that she is taking care of you.

Hoseok: Yeah. Thanks for that! And For now, I will take care of her from now on.

Doctor: Nice of you! We'll now proceed! C'mon. Follow me.

She's being check up and all is normal and of course the doctor recommend some medicine to prevent harm for the child.

*Time skip to the bts' apartment

Rm: Oh! You're here! Hi Y/n!

Y/n: Hi! *Shy*

Hoseok: Don't be shy I know you too well.

Y/n: So guys I have announcement for you~ Hobi can you tell them yourself I feel lazy.

Yoongi: Y/n Come here in the sofa. It's more comfortable here. You dorks better not make Y/n uncomfortable cuz We, Hoseok will pinch your skin.

Y/n: Oh. Its okay haha. Go on.

Yoongi: Oh i know what it is.*whispering*

Y/n: Ofcourse I chat you. Wtf *still whispering

Yoongi: Oh yeah lets stay quiet now*whispered

Hoseok: Guys! Y/n is pregnant!

Yoongi: How effortless!By the way congrats!

V: I'm gonna be an uncle!?

Y/n: Yeah! Haha.

Rm: Oh I'm gonna be an. Uncle! We'll protect you y/n!

You guys have fun for the whole day.

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