. I am literally cant believe that people are CANCELING Vinnie hacker you take talk video right now, new creators can't catch a break, so guys I feel like I do need to introduce vinni hacker to y'all since he literally everywhere else right now, but we can definitely say that he's known for being the least problematic tiktoker ever stays away from all the drama, however, just recently put himself in a very awkward position. He's somehow canceled himself for good after he posted it tiktok video talking about how he was very lonely and now that Joe Biden has won the election now not a split second after he posted this because entire comment section was full with angry fans talking about how Veni only thought of himself and how the video was posted at a very wrong time here are some reactions to the situation I'm sorry but it's not the time but I didn't 2020 like not everything is about him y'all still find a way to excuse him for everything and while many witnesses entire fanbase dragging the heck out of him he later decided to clear up the mess that he made by saying how people misunderstood the point of the video and took it the wrong way I was taking the wrong way it's a pain account I've posted how I'm happy as hell to fight in one over trunk a look at my tweets in past story post about me for fighting she said this you guys Vinnie later took to Twitter to apologize yet again by also announcing that he will be taking a little break off social media reflections in sensitive content it wasn't meant to take anything away from anyone obviously not everything is about me and I don't intend it to be I was being serious and I'm damn glad we got Trump in on this now but in all seriousness I'm taking a break and not just to get out of social media drama by to reflect on past instances I'm done with the judge for everything it's like I watched it will probably be taking a break for a little and even though this might have looked like video was trying to run away from the drama he made it very clear later on that's trying to understand his fans' disappointment then later ended up posting a blank tiktok video or his fans could fence about the whole situation ok this is good I posted this with no context no replies and no likes comments I wanted to get a deeper understanding and meanings behind your guys is disappointment I already knew it was wrong afterwards but I wanted to get deeper what's your opinion on Vinnie's getting a attacked leave a comment down below bye💞💫