We have to get rid of him FAST

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It all started as a normal day at the 1A dorms. The only thing that was not the same as normal it that Eri was there to. But it was not eveywhere the same....

At the League of villans base
"If we wanna attack UA we gatta get rid of that Brat" Shigaraki said with a angry voice.

"You mean izuchan? I'd love~ to take care of him" Toga said hoping that she could see her crush again.


"WHAT why not! YOU said YOU wanted to get rid of him, and I Offered To do THAT!"

"You'd let him go after he begs for a bid, plus you wouldn't kill your crush now would you?' shigaraki answered in a irradiated tone. Toga sadly agreed but wouldn't give up on trying to get Shigaraki to agree.

Dabi overheard them and thought of something Shigaraki said a while back: "Didn't you say all for one have you a book of alliances? Why don't you look if there is anything useful in there?"

Shigaraki and Toga just stared at him for a minute, cuz they wouldn't think HE out of all people would even remember something Shigaraki said.

"Kurogiri get the book he was talking about." Shigaraki demanded。

"It's in your room Shigaraki, and I know you don't want me to look trough your room." Kurogiri answerd.

"Right now i don't care so just make a portal or something like that. I maybe know just the guy to help us..."

The next day...


"Dabi what's going on why are you mad?" Shigaraki asked.


"I said it wrong, what's so bad about that?!" Shigaraki said back.


"Oh no"

Shigaraki and Dabi ran as fast as they could to Togas room. They busted down the door only to find them have a normal girl talk.

"WHY DID YOU BUST DOWN MY DOOR?!!?!" Toga yelled at the two men that came in her room.

"oh uhh" Shigaraki did it!" Dabi lied.

"WHAT NO WE DID IT BOTH YOU LIER!" Shigaraki said.

"Wel we will talk about that later cuz I don't think you know a lot about my new friend as I do~." Toga told the guys.

"So this is Kana Mari, she is a bid shy tho."

Twice finally got the chance to talk cuz he couldn't find his mask before so he wouldn't tear apart and said: "but didn't Shigaraki know her already?"

"Do you really think Shigaraki actually cares?" Toga asked Twice.

"Yeah you think i actually care?!" Shigaraki said to Twice again.

"Um can you guys actually inform me about what you need me for?, I got a mission to attend" Mari asked the LOV.

"Oh yeah, we want you to take care of a boy. He always is in the way of anything we plan! And I heard you have a quirk that may help us." Shigaraki answered.

" oh of course I can help with that but... I heard Toga likes him a lot and I don't wanna do anything bad to somebody Toga likes!" Mari explains.

"Can't you send her there to?, so she can make sure he doesn't come back anytime soon or never." Shigaraki asked Mari.

"Wait what is even her quirk? Don't just talk like we al know even tho you know we don't!" Dabi angrily said.

"Oh of course!, I forgot to explain that part, wel I'll explain my quirk!
My quirk lets me put a person into another universe until they achieve the there characters goal! I can choose to make them thereself or make them one of the characters in that universe! I myself can see the universe first to know where I'm sending them to. And I can send more then one person into a universe. So i can send Toga to the same universe as the boy you want me to send away. I'll just make it so that Toga goal is easy so that she can complete it whenever. Oh and maybe good to know if you die in the universe I send you to you just come back to this one. Wel that's about it."

" interesting quirk you have! No it's not. Yes it is! Oh shit up." Twice argued to himself. While Shigaraki was planning his plan...
Midoriya would me gone so it should work....


OMG I'm finally done with my first chapter!
I hope the people that read this enjoy it!
If you got any tips PLS share them I really need them 😅. Wel see you next chapter!

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