Chapter TWO:Early worm

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    For as long as I can remember I was always the weird kid . I was the tallest in class and didn't have a single muscle on my bony body. Anyway life for me begun in the first grade.I was the new kid in my class ,I was socially awkward but a talkative which earned me a lot of reprimanding but in my defense on the subject of  reprimanding the class  prefect was out to get me that boy was sent from hell .
       I dont quite remember much from the first grade but I remember Brittney. She was fair she had long hair and had the cutest smile I had ever seen(at the time) even when her teeth started falling out. She is still cute, but the last I heard she was dating a thug.
            I remember a few people too like Yaaya who once told us his mum was a super model and even
showed us a picture of a model in a magazine, ofcourse it was a lie but we were six year olds at the time so you can't blame us for believing him , and there was Sabrina who was the head badass in charge. That girl could even make teachers shiver in front of her. There was James who was a mega mind and not forgetting Robert the class clown who always found a way to fall in a rubbish bin each time he passed by one.
         We moved on to grade two and we had this beautiful lady as our teacher .She was called Miss Mina (I might have had a tiny crush but in my defense I was seven ).She was patient and fun and she was way better than the tragedy I had as teacher in the third grade.
       Mr Alexander was a man with a no nonsense approach to every single thing. I remember he made me pee on my self during an exam and that was the most embarrassing day of my life(story for another day).
     So the first phase of my childhood was uneventful. After the year I spent with Mr Alexander in his torcher dungeon of a classroom I moved to a new school. My new school was fun for the most part but we were constantly under the watchful eye of teachers,I guess they didn't want what happened the last time to repeat itself. I know you must be asking what happened the last time? Well you'll just have to wait to know. There was another teacher who terrorised me and the entire student population, he was nicknamed the stuuudge!!!.
I heard  he once placed a boys head in the toilets(and our toilets were nasty, imagine if a housefly had a palace where it stored  all kinds of nasty diseases that was how nasty our toilets were) for skipping class. In order to avoid the stuuudge's wrath I got good grades in his subjects but I occasionally got punished(hey I can't be super boy all the time).
     I never really had a best bud but life always found a way to give me a lex Luther or a power ranger villain-ish person to fight with(metaphorically).Yh! so that was or in some way still is life and in addition I have to compete with my perfect brothers.
        Revisiting old scars hurt a lot no wonder adults almost never  talk about their  past . I remember my grandad always used to say the early bird gets the worm but trust me the early worm  never wants to get eaten by the bird.  PEACE OUT.

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