Chapter 14: Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

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    I wake up fuming from the night before. I am not one to put myself out there. I am always in control and the moment I let down my guard... 

     I let out a sigh.

    My anger is very much there with cause and purpose, but a part of me understands where Ares was coming from and why he did not take this chance to kiss me. I told him about Ian. I opened up a raw part of me. I was sure Ares would take advantage. I willingly gave him permission, but he did not.

    The very feeling of rejection has me fuming. It is a feeling I avoid at all costs. I slump over in the bed formulating plans on how to avoid Ares today, while still keeping an eye on him for any changes, but none come to mind. How I ended up in this position is a cruel trick of the fates.

     All of a sudden, I get an alert. My phone goes off notifying me of a hurricane that has formed off the coast of America. I look at the address and sigh.

    With much trepidation, I rise from my bed and let out one stretch before snapping my fingers to instantly change into my attire. I pause a moment. Normally, I would hustle off and not think anything of it, but now, I have Ares to worry about. I have to make sure it is safe to leave him alone. The feeling of caring for another is so foreign and something that I haven't had to worry about in a very long time.

    Donned in my uniform, I make my way through the house to Ares's room. The light shimmers off the metal plating my uniform as I pass each window. I tiptoe in. Some of my anger dissipates at the sight of him sleeping peacefully. The light through the window casts golden hues across his face.

    "Ares," I say quietly and calmly.

    He doesn't stir. I walk over to him and tap his bare shoulder. Immediately, a hand shoots up and clasps my neck. Ares shoots up in bed. Fire shoots from his eyes as he lifts me up and stands on his bed. The sheets covering him fall to the ground and the stature of a strong, naked man pulsates in the middle of this otherwise monotonous room. I pause waiting for him to realize what is going on.

    It takes a second, but eventually, the flame leaves his eyes and remorse creases his face. He sets me down and releases my neck. Immediately he folds me into his arms. His giant frame molds around me enveloping me in a sort of cocoon. His warmth can be felt even through the cold metal of my breastplate.

    "I'm sorry my goddess," he replies folding me even further into his arms.

    "Hey, I'm immortal. There is no harm no foul."

    "Why did you wake me, my goddess?"

    His words purr like that of a contented house cat as he strokes his fingers through my hair. The feeling of being in his arms is so satisfying, I almost forgot why I came and why I was mad at him.

    "Duty calls," I reply. "I need to go, but will be right back."

    "Can I come?" He asks like a child wanting to shadow their parent at work.

    I can't help but smile. The look of hope creases his face. I am beginning to get comfortable around this new Ares despite his old innate tendencies that pop out. This in itself should worry me.

    "Sure, but you must listen to my command. Is that understood?"

    "Yes my goddess," he replies.

    The air around him quickly vibrates and I feel the fabric that forms around him upon my skin as he keeps his arms wrapped and tightly circling me. I look up at him as best I can from my arms and smile.

    I tip my head and pull us through space and time transporting us to the torrid sea I am tasked to tame.


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