☁ undertaker x male demon reader-forver and always

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Requested falling_blue_street
Y/n pov
The carriage sways and bumps over the rocky road as it makes its way to the phantomhive manner i the demon butler of the Charles houshold am steering the horses while my master is sitting in the carriage the stallions pull up to the front of the Manor a soft field of dust clouded around their hooves i was greeted with the sight of a black haird butler i could smell he was a demon...he better keep his hands to himself i got out of the front sitting area and made my way to help my master from the carriage " my lord where here" i held out my hand helping him from the carrier we all went inside introuding outselves the butler spoke " this is my lord ciel phantomhive  and i am the house butler sebastian michaelis if theres anything you need please ask" he bowed as ciel stood behind his desk " thankyou mr michaelis this is my master (random name i cant be botherd) of the charles household and i am their head Butler y/n y/ln" i smile and bow the smooth scaring around my neck showing the reasoning we where here was to work together on a murder case as by queens orders a few weeks pass and nothing new has shown up but many more people have been murderd both our lords knew and found out about the butler and me being demons but it wasnt a huge fuss lord phantomhive suggested we visit  friend of his who worked with bodies at a mortuary we complied  all going into the city where we find a shop calld 'UNDERTAKERS' i sigh softly the was the shop reminded me of an old friend was painful he always was funny and well old if he was here he would hit me i chuckle a little as we go in i look around "mm..adrian.." i mumble touching the dusty shelves  soon a familiar head of gray hair poped up behind the desk " ello my lord do i finally have the pleasure of fitten you for one of me coffins today~" the voice came out in a giggle....that voice...that giggle i turn quickly my eyes widen ciel didnt even  get time to speak as soon as adrian saw my face his smile turnd into shock we couldnt see his big green eyes widen under his white bangs " ...y/n...." he said ciel looked up " do you two know each-" adrian tackled me in a huge hug i stumble a bit but catch him hugging him close "-other" he ended we all sat as i ecxplaind "when i was a human me and ...undertaker where friends till one day i was set up for a crime i didnt commit" i point to the scar around my neck "...i was beheaded in town square" i sighed softly but contine " i didnt remeber how but i woke up in a dark void and asked if i wanted a second chance and if i was willing to risk whatever it took...i said yes i woke up soon to lord (random name lord again) when he needed help in ecxchange for his soul and next thing i know millennia has passed im a demon and working for a lord....i never found adr-undertaker after that" even for a demon i felt emotional my ears could hear adrians hear race just as fast as mine i look up and grab him holding him ...a bit to close for comfort as lord phantomhive would say our noses touch his bangs slight fall a little sideways so i could gaze into his elegant beautiful green emerald eyes "but this time.....i wont let you go...not even in a millennia have i stopped thinking about you...your admissions,your face,your smile......and your stupid jokes~" we both let out a breathy laugh  he let out a soft voice " just us" his long pail Boney fingers intertwined with mine and i finished

"...forever and always~♡"

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