-4. You Deserve Love Too-

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☽Prompt: We all have regrets, what ifs, but what if he still had those regrets eleven years after he had to abandon a former friend☾

☽Warnings: angst, swearing, abandonment, suggested of parental neglect and abuse☾

☽Pronouns: She/Her☾


This is part four of 'You Deserve Love Too'
This part was going to be the final part but as it became way too long
for a part, part 5 which is the final part will be released
tomorrow just so you guys don't have to sit through so much reading


*d/n stands for dad's name


Corpse stared at Dave in dismay before leaping to his feed and dashing out the door after Y/N. She was a pretty fast runner when she wanted to be and had disappeared before Corpse had time to process what had happened. Dave had called after Corpse, telling him that he was only helping.

Corpse stalked angrily back into the apartment and shot a glare at Dave, "I think you should leave."

Dave raised an eyebrow, "what's with the attitude? Seriously Corpse, do you even know who Y/N is or at least who she's related to?! D/N L/N? That criminal that murdered his wife? How do you know she won't do the same? She already looks like she's living a life of crime?"

Corpse let out a breath who didn't know he was holding and met his eyes once more, "what do you actually know about her?"

His face paled slightly but it was soon replaced with his usual calm expression, "I don't want to or need to know about her and neither do you. Come on Corpse, you weren't like this before you met her. I prefer the old you."

Corpse just stared at Dave hard, "I think you should leave." Dave only sighed but left all the same, the door not even closing behind him.

He looked back at the chaotic living room. A chair had been pushed out of the way as Y/N had run through. Unfortunately she had left nothing behind so Corpse wouldn't be able to go find her and at least pretend he had a reason to see her. He had been so stupid to make that sarcastic comment.

The clock on his phone showed it was now six in the evening and Corpse had looked outside at the graying skies. If Y/N was still out there she might be cold. Or perhaps she had just gone home, although she always said her home was with him, at least she used to. Corpse sighed loudly tweeting to his fans that he had to cancel streaming tonight, there was no way he would be able to make a good stream for them after all of this. Corpse pushed his phone away into his pocket and left to his room with only four simple words, two sentences that held so much, echoing in his mind.

"You promise?"

"I promise."


When Corpse awoke the next morning the apartment was silent, it was weird since it's neighbors were normal acting like they had to fuck to breath around this time which would wake up Corpse from the sounds of the headboard smashing against the wall that was attached to his bedroom. 

He laughed at all the comic jokes on twitter about himself and onlyhands, momentarily forgetting the troubles of yesterday. However once an apology text from Dave popped up on his phone, all the events of yesterday came back to Corpse in a flood, trying to persuade him to just stay in bed all day and not bothering with actual life. He ignored it and continued to get on with life.

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