Part 3

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Arikato: what is it you want to talk about Gine?

Gine: oh um....never...never mind it's nothing

Arikato: you sure?

Gine: yea...while Bardock is out tomorrow...want to help watch Raditz and Kakarot?

Arikato: yea I'm in

Gine: thanks

Arikato: no problem...I don't mind...because I got a kid myself do?

Arikato: yea her name is Minota

Gine: that's...a pretty name...

Arikato: my wife named her

Gine: *in head* woah...I did not know he was in a relationship and has a kid...I guess it's best I back off

Gine: who's your wife?

Arikato: she's not from...*whispers* can I trust you with something? And like not tell anyone?

Gine: yes

Arikato: I...I'm from the future....I don't know how but I got sent back here...with my brother and I dont know who did it...before I lost consciousness I remember being in her arm...hugging and kissing me and I woke up here some how...

Gine: ...t...the future?

Arikato: I don't know...but I hope I can get back soon I'm sensing some negative vibes

*Back to the present*

Goku: Hey Baba...

Baba: hi Goku...did you bring me something this time?

Goku: ah no but I'll try to remember next time...this is important

Baba: hmmm fine what is it Goku?

Goku: know Meikashi and Arikato right?

Baba: uhh the ones that got married?

Goku: yes

Goku: you see...

Bulma: someone by the name of Billy did something to them ame we dont know what happened so please can you help us find him so we can...ask him some questions and make him bring them back?

Baba: sure

*Baba looks into magic ball*

Caulifla: where is he?

Baba: he's on a space ship above west city

Kale: alright... he's going to pay for this

Bulma: wait guys....

Bulma: I see also in the wall he got some strong defenses that might be hard to get through even if your saiyan...

Caulifla: dammit...but Kale an I are super saiyan Gods so it will be a piece of cake

Bulma: I wouldn't keep your hopes up if I were you

Caulifla: bu-

Goku: she's right Caulifla

Caulifla: *looks down* ok

Goku: don't worry Caulifla and Kale we will bring them back

Caulifla: yea ok *sniffles*

Kale: c'mon sis pull yourself together, this isn't like you...I know you miss Meika...I miss Arikato so now crying and sniffling won't bring them back

Caulifla: yea o-ok

Kale: now let me see the true badass within you

Caulifla: ok ok so how do we get to him

Goku: I dont know...It depends how far he is because we saiyans can't really breathe out in space like Beerus, Whis and, Frieza can

Caulifla: ok

Goku: I'll try my best to sense his energy

*8 minutes later*

Goku: I think I've locked on to a faint energy up there

Caulifla: really?

Goku: yea but its fading in and out...wait there...was 3, two of them I dont sense there energy because they might be dead

Caulifla: damn

Goku: locked on...hold onto me guys...Bulma stay's too dangerous

Caulifla: ok *holds on to Goku*

Kale: let's get this Billy *holds onto Goku by hugging*

*Goku instant transmission Kale and Caulifla to the ship*

Goku: know you can let go now

Kale: I don't wanna...huh wait what? *quickly backs away from Goku*

Caulifla: ok I'm ready

Kale: let's kick some ass

Caulifla: yup

Billy: hmm...someone has infiltrated my ship some how...dammit right in the middle of my experiments

Caulifla: let's go

Goku: right...there might be a chance of traps so be car-

*a lazer beam fires at Goku*

*Goku blocks it*

Goku: *face palms* wait...hold on I sense a faint energy over there in that room on the left

Caulifla: let's get them

Goku: follow me *runs into a dark room with blood everywhere*

Experiment: please....get you can

Goku: wait...can you tell us where Billy is at?

Experiment: i...I think he is on the third level where he works on the drugs...and this room is the one he work his Machines....and-

Goku: don't talk anymore...take this Senzu bean *feeds Billy's experiment and senzu bean*

Experiment: Im...fine? Uh thank you so much...can you take me back to earth so I can find my family?

Goku: yes *takes Billy's experiment's hand and instant transmission him to earth* I hope you find your family...I'm going to get Billy

Experiment: please be careful...also Billy uses a poison that even the smallest cut...can shut you will start to be numb, then start coughing up alot of blood to the point where your almost dead or dead

Goku: thank you goodbye I hope we can see each other soon *instant transmissions back to the ship*

Caulifla: ok, let's be careful ok?

Kale: of course

Goku: watch out for Billy's machines they have a poison that even the smallest cut can poison you to death or near death

Kale: how do you know?

Goku: the guy i just saved told me

Caulifla: ok

Goku: I sense his energy grab on


Billy: well well well...


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