01: Fred Weasley

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Situation- You and Fred have been together for 2 years and they're leaving to start their shop. Harry, Ron, and Hermione are your best friends.

Y/n's POV

We were taking our exams and we heard odd, strange noises. I looked over at Hermione, Ron, and Harry and they all look just as confused.

Everything was rattling and Umbridge opens the doors to the room. The rattling gets closer and closer and all of the sudden the twins come in flying on their broomsticks.

Our papers go everywhere and Fred and George throw little fireworks up in the air of he room.

I run over to Harry, Hermione, and Ron and we look at them in amusement. The little fireworks that come down for us to enjoy, torment the Slytherin's. We all laugh while Goyle, Crabbe, and Malfoy run away from them.

I then start to think that this is it of the Weasley twins here. This is their big goodbye from Hogwarts. They're leaving to start their shop. Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.

I'm going to miss Fred, and George too. They throw a firework that turns into a dragon that chases after Umbridge. When it gets to the doors, it bursts. Sending small fireworks to hit Umbridge's "Educational Decrees." I seriously hate that woman. They all fall from the wall.

The twins fly past her on their brooms and leave her all disheveled. We all run out past Umbridge outside to see what the twins are doing. Hermione holds my hand so we don't get lost.

Everyone is cheering and they throw fireworks together that make a huge W in the sky. Weasley.

These boys will be the death of me. Well, specifically Fred.

They look so happy flying around up there. I'm definitely going to miss him.

My love for Fred is very obvious to everybody. He is the same. We love each other and noting can really change that. But then leaving is certainly going to make it hard for us to see each other.

Minoe notices that I'm getting a little upset seeing them leave.

"It's okay." She rubs my back. "Fred will never really leave you. He loves you."

Ron and Harry give me sympathetic looks.

I hear a 'whoosh' and see the twins standing in front of us.

They all hug each other and then Freddie looks at me. I start tearing up.

"Oh baby don't cry." He pulls me into his chest. I wrap my arms tightly around him, as if it will be the last time seeing him.

"Freddie, I'm going to miss you." I mumble in to his chest.

"I'm going to miss you to, lovely girl." He kisses the top of my head and pulls apart from me. He puts a hand on each side of my face.

"You'll get to see me every Hogsmeade trip you go on because I will come to see you. I will be there, don't forget that. You have a bright future and I love you too much to deprive you from that, love. If you ever get lonely, we have owls and I can be here as quickly as I can. I love you." He pulls me in for a kiss.

It's a long, emotional, passionate kiss. I don't want him to leave.

"I love you Fred Weasley." I whisper when we pull apart and he kisses my head. George says goodbye and they hop on their brooms.

"I love you." Fred says as they fly away.

I can already see the sad look on my face as they fly off. Fred is my everything, my whole world and he's gone. Just like that.

I run to Harry because I see him standing up. He looks a little uneasy and I hug him. I don't let him go.

He walks me back to my dorm room and he is rubbing my back and telling me 'it's alright love, you'll see him again' on the way there.

"I just love him so much and I don't know what to do without him here. He makes everything fun and happy for me. Now that he's gone I don't know what to do." I cry into Harry's shoulder.

"Fred would definitely want you to be happy. You've got me, Ron, Hermione, Luna, and I'm pretty sure even Draco will be there for you. We all love you and it's okay to be sad but Fred would want you to work on being happy. To work on having other sources of light than just him. He wants you to be happy." Harry brushes hair out of my face and wipes my tears.

"I love you guys." I sniffle and Ron and Hermione join the hug to make it a group hug.

"What do you say we go get some sweets from the kitchen and relax in here with some muggle technology." Hermione smirks and pulls her laptop from her trunk.

Harry throws on his invisibility cloak and Ron goes with him to the kitchens. They get lots of sweets while Hermione and I are picking out a movie to watch.

"Thank you guys for being here with me." I lay my head on her shoulder.

"It's not a problem." She smiles. I see something peek from under the cover of my bed and I get up to investigate.

It's one of Fred's old sweaters that I loved to wear. I smile and see he little note folded upon it.

Dear y/n,
      My love, as you are reading this, I am already gone away to the shop. I left this for you to remind you of me though I know you don't need one, you may want this. I love you with all of my heart and can not wait to see you again. You are my world, my everything, my forever. There is something under your pillow and I want you to wear it all of the time for me because it will make me very happy to know you have it on.


I scurry to look under my pillow to see a ring box. A note attached, of corse. I open this note.

Dear y/n,
     So you found the first note. This isn't a proposal because that would be a terrible way to do it. This is a promise ring, which is also a terrible way to do this. I should have been able to do this in person but I had to go. Anyways, this promise ring will show me your mood because I will wear one too. The rings are connected so that is how I will see your mood so when you are feeling sad, I know when to appearate to you and when you need me to comfort you. I just wanted you to know I love you and I don't need a ring to show it but I figured you may want one. So here is the ring that symbolizes my love for you and a promise that I will marry you one day. It's a promise, love.


I tear up and slip on the ring. I see that the ring is orange. He gave me a key on the back of the letter and orange means happy. I smile and put his sweater on as Harry and Ron come back.

I couldn't ask for anything better.



I've tried to make it as accurate as possible! If I'm wrong, message me with corrections or just point it out and I will fix it as soon as possible!

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