the demon king?

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Ash POV:

So I just got to Atlanta and I smell a demotic scent ugh I wonder if any one can smell it I know Ritchie could smell if because he had a meeting with the guild before the gmg can't wait for my round but who am I fighting I want it to be a surprise so as I followed the scent I saw Ritchie and Brandon and 3 more people

You smell the demonic sent to?

Ritchie: huh?! Ash what are you doing here

I just followed the scent and it led me here

Future different au pat: ASH! I wasn't sure if you were alive in my world

Huh? What are you talking about?

Brandon: he's pat from a different universe

???: Well well well look who we got here it pat and 3 more people and my queen ash


Different world pat: you didn't

???: I did

Hmm are you the demon king?

Allumos: how do you know about the demon king

You don't need to know

Demon king: yes I am I'm the one who killed all but my queen  and him and that time wizard

Wow Even your brother why did other me like you

Demon king: you don't need to know

Wait did she tell the secret to you?! Fuck fuck fuck mother fucker

Demon king: she did~

Ritchie: what secret ash?

You don't need to know

Brandon: ash you need to tell us

NO *growls and runs*

Demon king: well I'll be off now I need to go after my queen and keep her In control demon get them *disappears out of nowhere*

Michael: I got you guys *sucks them into the shadow portal*

Ritchie pov:

Is ash ok?! He's going after her and shes losing control *keeps rambling*

Brandon: brother calm down we know but what does he want with her and why did he keeps calling her "my queen"

Patrick O'Connor: the future pat said something about ash being a queen of dragons I think and if Ritchie keeps calling her his queen then he must care about her

Michael: wait he after ash?!

Yeah what did you think he was doing their and why we were worried about her

Michael: I thought she was losing control again

All but Michael: AGAIN?!?!

Michael: yeah but I shouldn't be the one to say anything

Fine I'll ask her after her round

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