you might not only be a dragon Slayer

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(sorry if this isn't ok I'll probably edit it later and I did this because they are like family to each other in the series so I did this)

No one POV:

-after the boat ride back to the island-

Ash:*4 buckets full and passed out*

Mario: how dose she have it worser then me?!?!

Ritchie: I have no idea you only needed one bucket she needed 4 so I'm wondering if shes only a dragon Slayer -he mumbles the last part-

Mario: looks like I'm carrying her

Branden: seems like it Mario

Ash: -sneezes ice out of her nose*

Mario: ugh where dose she live?

Ritchie: right next to you I think

Mario: -sighs- ok *picks up ash*
Come on little sis *walks away*

David: hey boss could she sleep in my house since I have open door policy

Everyone but David and ash: no! Shes not aloud over their

Plant: plant?

David: alright alright Lucas plant is staying with you for the week

Lucas: huh? Ok come on plant

Plant: plant

-With ash and Mario-

Mario POV:

Are you a normal dragon Slayer or something more and you don't know about it?

-was about to walk away but then the room went to frozen ice-

What the?!

Ash: please don't leave me frost plz don't let them take me again

Is she dreaming of her dragon and who are"they" she talking about?

Ash dream:

Frost: .... *Flys away*

Frost?! Please don't leave me with them they'll make me do bad things again and I don't want to

Frost: it's for the best my child you will meet another dragon son in a later time.


???: Ash it's time to get up

Huh? Who's is that?

Mario: ash time to get up

I'm awake

Mario POV:

Ash it's Time to get up

Ash: I'm awake

What were you dreaming about?

Ash: my old guild and frost

Ok but are you just a dragon Slayer?

Ash: what do you mean?

Well when we were on the boat you need more buckets then me

Ash: so?

So I'm saying that you might not only be a dragon Slayer

Ash: wait what?!?!

-sorry it's bad I just woke up so I hope you like the book with 379 words-

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